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These Are The Female Rand Paul Supporters That Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Exists

Planned Parenthood launched an all-out attack on Senator Rand Paul after his announcement for president the other day. In a series of hateful tweets, abortion extremists questioned whether Senator Paul even supports women, or if any women would ever support him.

So, we at The Libertarian Republic put out a call to see if there are any women who support Rand Paul. As it turns out… there are… quite a lot actually.

Michelle does what she wants!

Ashley used to be a liberal… now because of Ron Paul, she’s totally libertarian!

Laura is strong. Laura is beautiful. Laura is independent. And Laura likes Rand Paul. Take that Planned Parenthood!

Wow! Caitlin knows her stuff! Not only is she insanely beautiful, but she’s also incredibly intelligent. With ladies like these in his corner, how could Rand Paul lose?

Well I guess Kathryn’s opinion doesn’t count… seeing as how she doesn’t exist and all.

Wow! Heather gets it! Libertarians actually DO want to help ladies by giving them access to their own reproductive options. Do you hear Democrats talking about these kinds of issues? Hmm…?

Jennifer stands with Rand! Congrats on your forthcoming child! Glad you celebrate life.

Amanda has her understanding of libertarianism on LOCKDOWN! Planned Parenthood should take note.

Tara is ready for Rand… but is libertarianism ready for Tara? I think my heart just stopped!

Aaaaand Mandy wins the game because she is a free thinker. She’s going to do some thinking for herself. She doesn’t let anyone do her thinking for her, not Rand Paul, not any politician and certainly NOT Planned Parenthood.

Thanks for participating ladies! Now go forth and spread liberty… or do whatever you want. It’s none of our business, really.

Psstt… maybe Planned Parenthood should read this:

10 Reasons Rand Paul Should Be Our Next President

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