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The Wonderful World Of Lindsey Graham In 8 Quotes

1.Speak American!


“You got to learn our language. I don’t speak it very well, well, look how far I’ve come?”

Somehow each time I hear someone say something like this, my mind goes immediately to this….

Source: Bustle

2. Read a Book MuthaF#$%

“I wasn’t the best law student. By the end of this debate it’d be the most time I’d spent in any library.”

I don’t want to hit him too hard on this one, Graham and his sister had an extremely rough childhood- he had to work extremely hard to get through college, but come on! We already had one law school slacker in the White House for crying out loud people!

Source: Bustle

3. Lindsey Drives “Fiat”…

“I think TARP I was necessary because the whole economy was going to collapse and Bernanke, Paulson, and everybody that I know and quite frankly trust, after Lehman brothers went down, that if we had not involved ourselves quickly you’d have a financial meltdown.”

When I hear that he thinks that TARP was smart, I want to go on a rant that makes Alex Jones look sane…

Source: Campaign for Liberty video.

4. Talk Like A Terrorist Get Shot Like A Terrorist

“Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war.”

Yah Lindsey! Yah! ‘Murica! By the way, I hear this is a great movie they are showing in the same imagine land that makes up his mind…

Source: Real Clear Politics.

5. I Will Bomb Starbucks

“He [Rand Paul]’s saying now that he wants this President to tell him that he will not use a drone to kill an American citizen sitting in a café having a cup of coffee, who is not a combatant.”

Hate drone strikes on heavily populated areas in order to hit a single target in the US? Guess you hate America…

Source: Mediaite.

6. Shut Up Jihadist Joe!

“And when they say, ‘I want my lawyer,’ you tell them, ‘Shut up. You don’t get a lawyer.’”

Yah Lindsey! That Constitution s$%$ is for losers!

Source: New York Times.

7. I Miss You Bro

“I miss George W. Bush…I with you were president!”

8. Bottoms Up America

“That’s the first thing I’m going to do as president: We’re gonna drink more.”

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