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The Best of Rand’s Festivus Rant 2019!

Festivus is truly the most wonderful time of the year! Two days before Christmas, we set aside the day to air our grievances as Frank Costanza did on the TV sitcom “Seinfeld.”

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has kept the tradition alive in a vibrant fashion every year by putting the waste of the Federal Government and the foolishness of his colleagues on full display.

Here is a look at the best of Senator Paul’s tweets from Festivus 2019.

Rand kicked off his Festivus Twitter feed taking shots at the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for her decision to delay sending President Trump’s impeachment to the Senate.

There seems to be no end to government spending, and you best believe the Kentucky senator had more than a few words about the wasteful things our Federal Government spends taxpayer dollars on. These include $466,991 to study the mating call of frogs in Panama to $1,200,00 studying the habits of online dating app users. That’s kind of creepy if you ask me.

Paul pulled no punches when he aimed the circus we call the 2020 Democratic Presidential Debates. He fired shots at the Democrats’ socialist policy positions, as well as their inability to have a truly diverse field of candidates despite their claims of being champions of diversity.

Paul took turned up the heat on both Former Vice-President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) for their age as well as their Marxist policies.

Rand rounded out his Festivus rant by mentioning the $22 Trillion National Debt, a 200+ page omnibus bill that spends almost 1.4 Trillion dollars, the government’s war on tobacco, and having to explain to Mitch McConnell what hemp is.

I am sure that it is safe to say that Rand’s Festivus rants make the holidays a little brighter for those of us who care about liberty and limited government knowing that there is someone in the Senate who is willing to say WTF to his colleagues as many of them continue to vote to expand government.

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