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Rand Paul Tweets New Year’s Resolutions, Razzes Other Candidates

Rand Paul

In the spirit of the New Year, Rand Paul has issued several resolutions. Airing them out on Twitter, like he did on Festivus, Rand Paul poked fun at himself, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. He also sets several resolutions for the new year.

His New Year resolution was to continue what he has always done which is protect civil liberties and promote economic prosperity.

In his first tweet, the junior Senator from Kentucky promised to fight Obama on his gun control actions.

In his next tweet, he resolved to not let the negative things about his hair get to him and even made fun of his himself.

His one tweet about Donald Trump made light of the presidential candidate’s bombastic and unfiltered style of talking.

He took several potshots at Ted Cruz, taking aim at his policy positions which seem to be mimicking Rand’s own.

Rand also knocked Rubio and Cruz on their less than stellar voting records in the Senate. Both missed almost a third of their votes up to October 28th.

In another tweet aimed at Ted Cruz, he made fun of the Texas senator’s birthplace.

Rand also took note of his wife telling him to be nicer to the media.

In his last tweets, he took aim at Congress, calling for it to ‘dissolved’ (jokingly) and then calling attention to his Audit the Fed bill, which will be getting a vote on January 12th. He also advocated, as he often has, for term limits on Congress, as well as laws mandating congressmen read the bill they vote on.

And finally, he resolved to do this.

Happy New Year everyone!

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