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Proposed Law Would End Killer Whale Shows (VIDEO)

A proposed bill in the California legislature would attempt to Free Willy once and for all. The law attempts to end SeaWorld killer whale shows once and for all as well as demand their release from the tanks in which they are housed. At the moment the bill has been put on hold for 12 months, but animal rights activists aren’t backing down and they have pledged to return every year until the bill has been passed.

The law reads that it would be: “…unlawful to hold in captivity, or use, a wild-caught or captive-bred orca, as defined, for performance or entertainment purposes, as defined, to capture in state waters, or import from another state, any orca intended to be used for performance or entertainment purposes, to breed or impregnate an orca in captivity, or to export, collect, or import from another state the semen, other gametes, or embryos of an orca held in captivity for the purpose of artificial insemination, except as provided. The bill would make every person, corporation, or institution that violates those provisions guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $100,000 or by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than 6 months, or by both the fine and imprisonment. By creating a new crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.”

SeaWorld in San Diego currently houses 10 killer whales and if the law passes, they would be moved into a larger sea pen and could not be bred by their owners. Also, the law would make it illegal to export or import the animals. Animal rights activists also wish to bring similar legislation up in states like Florida and Texas.

Negative perception of the treatment of killer whales has been exacerbated by the popularity of the recent documentary “Blackfish,” which highlighted some of the deceptive tactics used to educate the public about the health of orcas in captivity. But SeaWorld disputes the allegations saying that the animals rights activists are distorting the facts to advance their agenda.

What do you think? Should killer whale shows be banned? Do animals have rights? Leave your thoughts and comments below.


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