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Do White Liberal Nerds Literally Worship Neil deGrasse Tyson? (VIDEO)

In a recent appearance on Fox News, Vice co-founder and controversial commentator Gavin McInnes set his sights on astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, iconic demigod of the internet.

“I hate this guy,” said McInnes. “I remember hearing Chris Hardwick on a podcast talk about Neil deGrasse Tyson and he was just salivating. White liberal nerds love this guy so much, he could defecate on them like Martin Bashir’s fantasies and they would dance in the streets.”

Tyson had been speculating that extraterrestrials had visited Earth in the past, but deemed humanity too stupid to bother contacting.

Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton then chimed in and decried the way that self-styled liberal intellectuals like Tyson look down their noses at the rest of the human race. “It’s no wonder the extraterrestrials don’t contact us – we don’t have any pride in ourselves.”

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