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Libertarians Should Oppose Funding Planned Parenthood, Heres Why

By Lina Bryce

The argument that all life should be protected is a contentious battle in libertarian circles when it comes to abortion. The question is whether or not killing a fetus is a violent act and a violation of human rights, and whether the rights of the fetus trump those of the individual sustaining its life. In full disclosure, I will clarify that I happen to side with the argument that posits that all life matters. However, that holds no bearing on the issue concerning whether or not federal dollars should be spent on 501(c)4 organizations; specifically, Planned Parenthood.

No grotesque scandal, nor any religious, personal, or moral belief should be the supporting argument for this debate. The fact is that Roe Vs. Wade is law and will not be overturned in the foreseeable future. This issue is about federal overreach and the lawful use of taxpayer dollars. The reality is that an exponentially growing government that continues to insist that they take our income for the sake of any “greater good” is never beneficial to those they intend to help. Furthermore, they don’t have a right to our money.

You have a right to your body, you say? Sure, but not at the expense of someone else’s property. 

A libertarian will find it very challenging to navigate a position of support for Planned Parenthood without feeling like they are contradicting their principles. Are we not just like our adversaries when we avoid the facts in a debate, such as who will pay for this crusade? Libertarians who feel that it is perfectly fine to take my money to fund any organization they support are going to easily be found on the wrong side of this argument. In fact, I am hard-pressed to find a reason to support taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.

If the reason is that one must advocate for women’s health, explain how supporting federal funding of Planned Parenthood would support this cause. Particularly, after learning that between 2005-2013, they reported a 53% reduction in cancer screenings and 42% reduction in breast exams and breast care. This, mostly under the leadership of Cecile Richards, who earns an annual salary of $520,000. Where is all that taxpayer money going, exactly?

Federal funding present an enormous conflict of interest.

Planned Parenthood lobbies for many things. Sure, they lobby for women’s healthcare and abortions, appealing to Democratic and some independent voters. If our aim is to lessen government involvement in our lives, then defunding Planned Parenthood is one good way to accomplish that. A point that is often made by Sen. Rand Paul is that if we want to get lobbyists out of Washington, we must make government so small that they have no longer have power to sell. If they have no power, we drive the narrative and we decide where money goes– not special interest groups.

Remember when the left argued that Hobby Lobby didn’t have the right to refuse woman’s healthcare? Of course that isn’t what they were doing; refusing to provide a specific Health Insurance Plan is not the same as refusing healthcare. Many left-leaning individuals argued against the private organization and insisted on using the power of government to force that business to pay for something that was well within their right not to, as the Supreme Court justly ruled. Additionally, the only “drugs ” Hobby Lobby did not wish to cover were intrauterine devices and the morning-after pills Ella and Plan B.  A perfect example of how powerful lobbies are when it comes to controlling public opinion by creating their own narrative.

If only women had argued for contraception to be available over the counter, affordable, and readily accessible, there would have been no harm to the individual, property, or rights. But, that’s not what private interests want to see. Divisiveness is their paycheck.

It is also argued that all the money and time Planned Parenthood spends lobbying is for the greater good. What other argument can they say that would sway voters? Very few will research the details, but thankfully, someone has and after the Planned Parenthood Hearing on Tuesday, this is available to anyone with internet access.

So, how much “good” is Planned Parenthood doing with our money, exactly? 

Over the past five years, more than $22 million dollars has been transferred from Planned Parenthood’s 501(c)3 to their 501 (c)4 organizations and PACs. This is straight-up political advocacy and lobbying. During the hearing, it was also disclosed that there was one election Planned Parenthood involved itself in that was focused solely on redistricting; having nothing to do with women or their healthcare. This strikes against the core principle of libertarianism. As government grows and expands its overreach, special interests like Planned Parenthood also grow their political outreach and organizational allies, who disguise themselves as champions for the helpless. Instead, they become political powerhouses aiming to rob us of every penny for their financial and personal gain.

Also, Planned Parenthood really doesn’t need money.

There is an old saying libertarians like to share with one another and that is that private industry does best where government does least. We already agree that everything is broken when touched by the hands of government, so if one is genuinely interested in woman’s rights, then freedom from government’s tangled web is what needs to be fought for. Privatizing Planned Parenthood completely, would allow them to act on their own personal mission without my say so, as would be their right. Conversely, as long as one insists we pay for it, then we have the right to legislate in or legislate out items we don’t like.

Privatizing it would also keep Planned Parenthood honest about where the money goes and would make certain that every penny goes to where it is most needed. It has become glaringly apparent that free un-earned cash flowing in is easy to waste or give to political cronies. In fact, an organization that seems to be financially successful doesn’t seem to need tax money at all.

In June, 2014, Planned Parenthood reported $127 million dollars in revenue OVER expenses. They are also able to pay enormous salaries salaries to Ms. Cecile Richards who earns $600,000 and a $400,000 a year to an affiliate.

They are doing so well, that exorbitant travel expenses have been reported. In 2013 Planned Parenthood reported spending more than $5 million in first class tickets and private chartered aircraft. That totals to $14,000 per day spent on travel.

These expenses hardly put a dent in their budget, allowing them to spend $600,000 on Blowout parties, Chocolate Champaign Events, and host a Salt-n-Pepa concert– all which were itemized in their loss revenue statements from 2012-2013.

It was also noted that Planned Parenthood has proven to be very good at fundraising; spending $67,000 on fundraising in the last three years. Seeing how many have lashed out at representatives who do not support their blocking of funding through Title V, it seems those individuals would be just as passionate, if not more so, about raising money if it needed more funds. 

In summary, government tax money (coming from you and I) that directly funds Planned Parenthood is roughly $528 million, $450 million of which comes in federal funds. About $390 million of that comes in the form of Medicaid. Although there is much diatribe about how some Republicans are aiming to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood, the funding amount they are discussing with regard to Title V is about $60 million. That makes up 4.6% of their total revenue.


Learning the facts, watching the videos produced by watchdog Center for Medical Progress, understanding what should be the role of government, and how this does more to breed corruption and overt wasted spending than anything else they claim to advocate for, should leave no question that the defunding of this organization is not just a pro-life issue.

The question isn’t why don’t libertarians support Planned Parenthood? The question should be, why should we?

Planned Parenthood Taxpayer Funding Hearing 9/29/15[Video]

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