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WATCH: Democrats Unable to Identify Quotes from Trump and Clinton

Clinton, Trump

Democrats Struggle to See Differences in Trump and Clinton

by Josh Guckert

In interviews conducted by Rhania Khalek of TheRealNews Network, Democrats at this year’s National Convention in Philadelphia had a hard time distinguishing between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

The questions posed by Khalek centered around issues as expansive as references to women as “trash,” and immigration. Most of the statements were so draconian in nature that the Democrats presumed they were spoken by Trump. However, they were for the most part incorrect, as the words reflected the often-changing tone of Clinton.

In many cases, the Democrats even went as far as to create excuses for Clinton’s answers. Needless to say, they would not be so sympathetic if Trump were the one saying such absurd things. While targeted toward Democrats, it shows a more broad issue with American politics and partisanship. The same problem may likely appear at a Republican event.

These voters remain so married to their candidates that they care little for principles. What they point to from one candidate to incite outrage gets neatly brushed aside if it comes from their candidate. More frighteningly, these attendees of the conventions would seemingly be among the most involved and knowledgeable of the election issues. Even they seem woefully uninformed.

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