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Cop pulls up in squad car, randomly executes man’s pet. (VIDEO)

Breed Specific Killing?

ANADARKO, OK – Police are investigating the random killing of a man’s pit bull. Carol Nix reported to Fox that the dog was not aggressive or bothering anyone when a police officer arrived and shot the dog from his squad car. I said ‘you just shot him?’ and he said ‘oh yeah,'”

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Police Chief David Edwards rebutted that not everyone in the neighborhood agreed with Nix’s account, so the local news station interviewed others in the area to confirm. Fox talked to neighbor Janie Pettit who stated, “He shouldn’t have shot it. He shouldn’t have shot it because it didn’t pose a threat. It wasn’t threatening to anybody.

A spokesperson for an animals rights group claimed, “This is basically a breed-specific murder. If that had been a collie, a lab, that wouldn’t have happened, but being a pit bull, it was his death sentence,” she said.

The dog owner was devastated to hear about his dog’s death. When he picked up his dying dog from the police, the officers wrote him a ticket for letting his dog escape.

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