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BoJack Horseman Takes on Abortion: Bravest. Show. Ever.

by Seamus Coughlin

It’s 2AM.  Normally when I’m up at this time, it’s because I’m animating, writing or editing. But today is technically Sunday, which is the day of rest, so instead of working I’m binge-watching Netflix. I’m on episode 6 of the newest season of BoJack Horseman, when a surprisingly controversial topic comes up: abortion.

Wow. “Where is this going?” I ask myself.  There are two sides to the abortion debate, so whether the writers end up taking this episode in a pro-life or pro-choice direction is really 50/50. I brace myself, fully prepared for the vulgar, edgy, adult cartoon to take a strong pro-life stance. But much to my surprise, the writers don’t say abortion is wrong…no, they take a *pro-abortion* position, instead.

So.  Brave.

I’m sitting there, my jaw nearly on the floor. Abortion is okay? Planned Parenthood is good? The issue is about women’s choice and nothing else? You can imagine my shock at hearing these kinds of messages from the mouths of Hollywood voice actors. And what’s this? They’re poking fun at pro-lifers? Not even seriously addressing a single argument from the other side of the aisle? Good for them! For years and years, Hollywood has been modestly tip-toeing around this issue, horrified of imposing their values on middle America, but not any more! They’re sick and tired of giving the pro-life movement their fair shake! No more dialogue with you right-wing bullies, everyone’s already familiar with your positions, Hollywood has been representing them for long enough! Now is the time to be blunt: if you don’t agree with abortion, you are backwards and you hate women. These and many other original, valuable insights made by BoJack and Co. make a welcome new addition to the already rock solid case for abortion on-demand and without stigma.

Just for a moment, I’d like to put things into perspective: BoJack Horseman premiered in 2014 with a groundbreaking premise—it was an animated show for adults.  This may seem commonplace now, heck, you may even feel the market is absolutely saturated with this kind of content, but it’s important to remember the real pioneers. In 2014 BoJack Horseman showed us what it truly meant to be original. And in 2016, they have shown us what it truly means to be brave.

I, for one, am excited beyond belief to be living in an era of totally original entertainment, with such a diverse range of unique perspective on social issues being offered by story-tellers. Who can tell where any given television writer lands on the big questions of our time? In fact, anytime one of my favorite shows covers a social issue, I prepare myself for a twist, gaining a pleasurable thrill from the total uncertainty, excited for the delivery of a well-thought-out opinion. How *do* the writers feel about homosexuality? Where does my favorite show stand on immigration? Are they going to take the conservative or the progressive position in this episode? There’s no way of telling, and the unpredictability exhilarates me. It is a real privilege to be an audience member today. Thank you, entertainers, you are all, so, so brave. I know Middle America isn’t always there to pat you on the back—but know that our admiration is with you when you’re forced to do it yourself.

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