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Top 5 Best Things About a Hillary Clinton Presidency

The 5 Best Things About a Hillary Clinton Presidency

By Dallas Brooks

Face it. Hillary Clinton could be the 45th president of the United States.  Believe it or not, there are some interesting things about this possible outcome. If you can ignore the obvious negative outcomes for the country for a few minutes, here are five of the best things about another Clinton presidency.

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She would be the first woman president of the United States. Box checked. Plus we all get to say that “the woman” is keeping us down and stuff like that for a while, which is different.


Bill Clinton will have permanent residence in the White House again…with absolutely nothing to do. It’s going to be entertaining, to say the least.


When the former head of state with his security detail lives with the current head of state with her security detail, who jumps in front of the vases that are thrown in the White House?  I believe we’ll have the answer in the first year.


Hillary Clinton already thinks the law doesn’t apply to her.  She has proven her disdain for the rules that are supposed to be for the little people. I have a feeling that Nixon will have nothing on her once she gets her turn at the Oval Office.


The Obamas and the Clintons hate each other.  Sure, they’ll put on a brave face and show solidarity for the cameras, but with presidential egos, the sense of decorum only goes so far.  How friendly will they be when there’s nothing more to be gained by smiling for the cameras?

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