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Andy Richter teases Jeff Goldblum over circumcision: “You’ve mutilated your child.”

Comedian Andy Richter on the Conan O’Brien show had a frank and funny decision about circumcision last evening. Goldblum admitted that he had recently had his son snipped, before launching into a discussion on whether Richter’s son was cut.

Richter received approval from the audience for his comments on how he didn’t cut his son, saying that he thought he was perfect just the way he was born, so why change him. Conan sat back as Richter teased Goldblum with the playful jab, “you’ve mutilated your child.”

The Libertarian Republic has covered the circumcision issue here:

Transcript from TBS:

You are a Jewish gentleman. You are a Jewish man. Did you have a — ARE YOU going to have a —

JEFF: going to have one? Nobody has one later. Maybe they do. We had one early on. But not the traditional and ritualistic religiouso affair, but medically, although it was a question before, but finally we decided upon getting — you know what it is. I think everybody does.

CONAN: it’s a sir comesition. The foreskin is removed.

JEFF: exactly.

CONAN: thrown out the window.

JEFF: our lovely doctor who used to play for the mets, good plug. He became — then he became a doctor. So he said, you know, this is not in any way religious, but I think it’s a good idea, I’d do IT. I do it good. You can watch if you want. It’s not so nice. But anyway, he did IT. he says, but I don’t say the traditional blessing, I sing “take me out to the ballgame” as I’m doing it. If you want to join in, and we did.

CONAN: you sang that and then when he was done with that, it was just —

JEFF: it’s not what you think. Have you ever seen it?

CONAN: they don’t use a deli slicer.

JEFF: did you do it to your children? , no you have a boy and a girl. That’s right. And you didn’t do it?

ANDY: no. My son is uncircumsize dveragets — uncircumsized. Everybody at school, my son is. It’s really more his information to give out. But I guess I screwed up. Sorry, hun. [Laughter]

JEFF: so you must have researched it and — it’s because of the natural way?

ANDY: yes, yes.

JEFF: you want him to look like daddy? I don’t mean to pry.

ANDY: quite seriously, I am circumsized.

CONAN: I’m so glad this is going this way.

ANDY: I am but, you know —

JEFF: I imagine so.

ANDY: I mean, you know, I’m so obviously a Jew. No, no, I am because I was born at a time when there was no question about it.

JEFF: standard in this culture.

ANDY: with my son, as I told the doctor, I said, he was born perfect, why change him?

JEFF: yeah.

CONAN: she’s very nice. That’s a very nice thing. That reminds me of when I —

ANDY: what I’m saying is, you mutilated your child.

JEFF: I know the argument. I think it’s probably — you’re probably right. Also.

ANDY: it’s been an OK time with my cut one. The not like it robbed me of anything.

CONAN: OK. Jeff goldblum.

ANDY: screw the commercials. We need to talk more about my Dick. [cheers and applause]

CONAN: that was actually question seven. Chat about andy’s Dick. Right there. This thing is thought out much more than would you ever know. You’re still here! God, I love you.

JEFF: I love you.

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