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9 of the Craziest Quotes From Socialist Leader Nicolas Maduro

#1. “We need to reduce extreme consumption to achieve a point of equilibrium between supply and a fair price. I trust in the hardworking majority of this country.”

Aww, that’s the socialist mindset for you. We need less people eating and acquiring the goods and services they need to live their daily lives. The problems of supply and demand can’t be solved by a government bureaucracy. The economy needs real signals, the pricing system, in order to function efficiently. Reducing consumption reveals the totalitarian mindset of socialists, who want to plan our lives.

#2. “This boy who at 14 is carrying a 9 mm pistol has his brain full of thousands of hours of broadcast series in which people kill people. These days we are watching Spider-Man 3 … It is one of the series that young children most like.”


Whether it’s Hillary Clinton or Nicolas Maduro, socialist politicians just love to blame violence on movies or video games. Of course, in this case, you also have to actually watch the movies or read the comics to know that Spider Man doesn’t carry a gun. Maduro is blaming violent crime on culture, rather than his failed system of governance, which is everything they falsely accuse capitalism of being; corrupt, government for the elite, unstable, and parasitic on the labor of the people.

#3. “Sometimes I come at night, sometimes I sleep here, often. You don’t even realize it. The neighbors sometimes realize.”

Uhhmm… so Maduro is saying here that he sleeps on the grave of Hugo Chavez to gain inspiration. That’s just creepy.

#4. “Suddenly a teeny little bird entered and flew around me three times. It landed on a wooden beam and began to whistle, a beautiful whistle. I stayed there looking at it and also whistled. ‘Well, if you whistle, I whistle.’ So, I whistled. The little bird looked at me strangely. It whistled for a short while. Flew around me once and left, and I felt his [Chavez’s] spirit.”

Alright, well if sleeping on Chavez’s grave wasn’t weird enough, here Maduro says the spirit of the late dictator appeared to him as a bird. Who actually believes this guy?

#5. “They inoculated Commander Chavez with that illness to get him out of the way, and create a situation of destruction for Venezuela and its independent revolution.”

“We have the intuition that our Commander Chavez was poisoned by dark forces that wanted him out of the way,” said Maduro.

So wait, Maduro thinks that Chavez was given cancer? We’ve heard some nutty conspiracy theories before, but this one takes the cake. Chavez died of prostate cancer, which is pretty much medically impossible to give to someone.

#6. “There is a nymphomania of dollars in many sectors [that is] impossible to satisfy.”

Most people love money to a certain extent, but not that much. Maduro is here complaining that the exchange rate of his currency is the fault of money nymphos.

#7. “Do you want to have a fatherland or toilet paper?”


Venezuela is famously running low on toilet paper, causing people to wait in long lines and turn to the black market in order to keep themselves supplied with this basic necessity. Too bad they just won’t let the free market work. Supplying something so simple is easy in a free market. But no, Maduro instead decided to take over toilet paper factories and try and centrally plan the economy. Socialism never works, but hey, let’s just keep trying the same thing over over and expecting different results.

People tweeted sarcastically at Maduro #LosChavistasSeLimpianElCuloConLaPatria, meaning: #ChavistasWipeTheirBehindsWithTheFatherland

#8. “We have to shoot Capriles and take him prisoner..”

Wait… so you’re going to kill the guy before you take him prisoner? That’s pretty nutty. Maduro wanted to persecute opposition candidate Henrique Capriles by suggesting he was bringing Columbian mercenaries into the country. “The first thing we have to do is shoot [Capriles] legally, make him resign his office, and take him prisoner.” Sounds like poor planning.

#9. “We know that our commander ascended to the heights and is face-to-face with Christ. Something influenced the choice of a South American pope, someone new arrived at Christ’s side and said to him: ‘Well, it seems to us South America’s time has come.”

Maduro claimed that after Chavez died that he must have been the one that influenced the decision to make Francis the pope. That’s pretty silly, wouldn’t you agree?

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