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5 Reasons I Am Libertarian

By R. Brownell

5. I Don’t Give a F@#$ About Quail Sex

“Brought to you by the Department of Education”

Waste”, I hear that word and I automatically think nails to a chalk board. Sometimes when we hear about something that seems at least kind of cool, like space exploration (regardless of the current under-financing of NASA), people usually just jump out with their first gut reaction which is typically “oh cool.” Yet after just a moment of actual thought, logical people then begin to realize that the government is literally taking your money in order to spend it on stupid and unjust projects which straight up slap the Constitution around as if it owes it money (I wanted to do a Chris Brown hitting Rhianna reference but…wait I just did).

Now, it’s easy to certain people to justify throwing money at things that conservatives love, like the military industrial complex, or the liberal love fest celebration of infanticide via Planned Parenthood or the unaffordable Affordable Care Act, but come on; I want to meet someone that can argue on behalf of funding a project that investigates the rapist tendencies of quails in Japan. That’s right, you government spends your money to study quail rape. Government shouldn’t be funding anything outside of police, courts, and a military; certainly not anything involving the sex lives of birds.

4. The Fed is Basically Satan

I work hard; I always have, and I know billions of other people work hard for their pay, too, because profit is the motivation for labor. It was literally a shock to younger me when I realized that because of fiat spending (thanks to the Fed), I was literally going to have to work myself to the bone in order to make less. FEE covered this monetary conundrum simply a while back:

“As budget deficits persist, as politicians of all stripes continue to try to please voters by promising them the moon, and as the current administration appears to want to make the U.S. the world’s policeman, the temptation to resort to inflationary finance is ever-present. To avoid falling for its siren-like charm, we need to understand the nature of the beast.”

If I were a feminist, I would literally be screaming “rape” at the Federal Reserve.

3. I Don’t Think Prison Is The Same Thing As Rehab

Drugs are evil. I hate them, yet I’ve never heard of a violent pothead committing a terrible crime; whereas, I read headlines about drunk people everyday. The facts are in; alcohol is more dangerous than weed, and the truth is your right to self ownership extends to doing what you want to yourself, even when it’s stupid and self destructive. The idea of the government saving you from yourself is ridiculous, because their idea is to use mandatory minimum sentencing to send harmless drug peddlers to hang out with hardcore serial killers for ten plus years in prison. Let’s treat this addiction epidemic as what it is: a health issue, not a crime issue.

2. We Have To Abide By The Rules, It’s Time DC Does To

I always thought it was funny growing up how when I did something miniscule in high school like tell someone to shut up, I’d get lectured by the vice principle, but the girls who smoked crack and fought in the hallways never got pulled aside by the school resource officer and their dads just happened to play golf with the school principle…pure coincidence.

We have a generation of Americans locked up in prison for committing harmless offenses, but Hillary Clinton lies about the murder of four Americans and David Clapper lies before Congress about how we’re all being unconstitutionally spied on and somehow they get to go home, live their lives, and dictate policy. But open a lemonade stand and your kids might get dragged off by the cops, which brings me to my next point…

1. Because Rights Come From My Creator, Not Government

From a biblical worldview, liberty is the primary intrinsic property of man and the only justifiable state is a constitutional-republic that protects the rights of the individual passed down by our creator. Because I understand this conclusion, I find it really hard to abide by things that restrict my liberty, especially when it is said that it is for my own protection. The knowledge that you simply don’t hurt people and don’t take their stuff is so simple, why doesn’t government get that?

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