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“You’re a Redcoat”: Stunned Piers Morgan debates paranoiac Alex Jones on gun control – CNN

The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is, not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.” 
― Frédéric Bastiat

CNN talk show host & British transplant Piers Morgan struggled meaninglessly to debate American paranoid conspiracy hustler Alex Jones over the issue of gun control tonight on evening news. Jones stonewalled Morgan for around twenty useless minutes hurling invectives, insults and hyperbole at his host, likely confirming European suspicions that Americans really are lunatics who don’t deserve guns. Despite the fact that Americans do indeed require military grade weaponry for their personal defense, Alex Jones was unable to articulate just why “more guns equal less crime” even though there are plenty of factual statistics to prove that is the case.

Alex Jones blamed the problems in American society on what he called “mass murder pills” and immediately attacked the corporate sponsor of CNN whom he tried to characterize as poisoning people with antidepressants so they would be motivated to commit murder. Although it is strange that Alex would make that claim as America always has been a statistically more violent nation compared to the UK even since before antidepressants were commonly distributed. The actual statistics of gun crime clearly point to the fact that when American citizens are allowed to conceal carry weapons, multiple-victim shootings decline 84%, deaths from shootings plunge 90% and injuries recede by 82%.

Morgan invited Jones on his show for what he claimed was supposed to be an honest debate, but Jones nearly immediately launched into filibuster as he did when he appeared on another popular show “The View” two years ago. Piers was unable to get Jones to answer nearly a single question as the Austin, Texas based conspiracy theorist pushed false-flag conspiracy theories such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, an overly hyped skirmish between American & Vietnamese gunboats which gave Lyndon Johnson an excuse to escalate the hostilities of the war in Vietnam. Jones connected the Gulf of Tonkin to the attacks on 9/11, claiming that sinister forces in the American government either planned or executed the attacks on 9/11. Despite the fact that in order to carry out a secret plan for an inside job it would take nearly $5 trillion dollars to bribe all the participants necessary for the conspiracy, it hasn’t stopped Jones’ millions of followers from being convinced that somehow President George W. Bush might have been a criminal mastermind. No one is quite sure what any of this has to do with gun control.

Although Piers Morgan was unable to participate an actual debate with Alex Jones, there’s a strong lesson to be learned from the reaction of the fans of conspiracy theories. Jones’ supporters often point to the fact that they identify with the rage that Jones expresses in his screaming rants such as those displayed below. Many of his fans state that they often wish to express their rage and “go off” like Jones does with his non-factual insults and tangential diatribes. It gives insight into just how a society could be delivered into a 1984-like big brother totalitarian state when citizens without critical thinking skills mindlessly express undirected rage at targets they little understand and fail to critically analyze. It also likely gives hope to gun grabbers that they will succeed in their mission to disarm the American populace that can so easily be swayed by hucksters and paranoiacs such as Alex Jones that speak to only their blind rage and never to their sense of intellect or reason.

The debate below after your obligatory two minutes of hate.

PART 1 –

PART 2 –

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