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Young Boys Save Babies From Neighbor’s Burning Home

By: Laura Meyers

I love Superman. I love the cape. I love the hair gel (so much). I love Clark Kent in spandex. But there are two superheroes that I now love more than Superman.

Two young boys in Florida, Jeremiah Grimes, 11, and Isiah Francis, 10, rescued two babies from their neighbor’s house fire when “basic instinct took over.”

The boys were playing watching YouTube and playing video games on the couch inside when they smelled something strange.

They strapped on their shoes, called 911, and ran next door when they saw smoke rising from their neighbor’s house.

The man told Isiah that two young children were in the kitchen.

So, Isiah went inside with Jeremiah’s guidance and saved the 8- and 12-month old children from the burning home.

“It was really smoky,” Isiah said. “I could kind of see, but I had to use my sense of touch.”

Jeremiah says, “(It was) really hot. It felt like 150 degrees in there. I’m just thinking, ‘Stay calm, keep your mind straight, stay focused on what you’re doing.'”

Firefighters responding at the neighbor’s home.

The boy’s think their good deed was really no big deal.

“I was just doing it,” Jeremiah said. “Basic instinct took over.”

Isiah said, “I just wanted to help those kids.”

There were two more children in the home that were rescued by firefighters that arrived moments after the boys had made it back outside.

Those children are now in critical, but stable condition at a local hospital.

“They did something that a grown man would think twice about doing,” said Jeremiah’s mother, Stef Laboy. “They obviously didn’t think twice about it. They were very heroic.”

The boys are just happy that everyone is okay.

“I saved two people’s lives. Like, probably if no one did that, them two would probably be dead or seriously injured,” Grimes said. “I’m happy. As long as everyone is OK, I’m happy.”

My little heroes.
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