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Why Rand Paul’s Filibuster Against the Patriot Act Was So Important

The Real Significance Of Rand’s Stand

Rand Paul’s 10 hour filibuster may or may not succeed in ending the NSA’s bulk collection of Americans’ private data. But at least Senator Paul is trying, and by taking a stand he has brought the issue into the nation’s focus.

Paul’s impassioned defense of American liberties, in particular the Fourth Amendment, and the Rule of Law garnered support from both sides of the aisle. As the senator from Kentucky and presidential hopeful said himself, this is an issue which crosses party lines. Nearly two-thirds of each party are opposed to the bulk collection of American’s data.

What Paul also managed was to put President Barack Obama under the microscope. He carefully emphasized that while Obama says he supports reforms to the NSA program, the program actually originated and is being continued through executive authority. Regardless of what he may say, the president could put an end to this Orwellian mass surveillance at any time. Rand made sure he spelled that out several times.

Paul also drew attention to the fact that despite the program having been ruled illegal in court, the president allows it to continue. Proving just how out of touch lawmakers are, some from both parties also want to continue the spying on law-abiding Americans. Some in the GOP even want to expand a law which clearly violates American liberties.

People opposed to basic civil protections regarding your personal information and records have, of course, blasted Rand. But what was surprising was the people on both sides of the aisle who agree with Paul on this issue yet criticized him, saying his efforts were pointless and just a show.

Perhaps his efforts won’t achieve success, though they have a chance. And yes, it was a bit of a show, but theater and optics are important parts of politics. Rand has proven he knows how to capture the public’s attention on a matter and that he can influence perception on issues through theater just as well as the establishment does.

The junior senator also showed remarkable leadership. Not only did he stand up for the rights of the people, proving his fealty to the principles of liberty, but he stepped forward to lead on issue that veterans of the senate have kowtowed on. Rand rallied people from both parties to the senate, whether genuine or not, because they wanted to Stand With Rand. That’s how you control the narrative, that’s how you manage optics, and that’s how you shift opinions on real issues.

Paul stood apart from his competition for the GOP presidential nomination. Only Senator Ted Cruz stood with Rand, and he made sure to note his position was more nuanced than Paul’s. Senator Paul has shown he is the only presidential candidate that stands for American liberties and will lead on these major issues.

What needs to happen now is we all need to pressure the Senate leadership to allow debate on and amendments to the Patriot Act. Senators Ron Wyden and Rand Paul have specific amendments they wish to offer that would end bulk data collection and extend Fourth Amendment protections to data held by third parties.

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to pass an extension of the Patriot Act as is. He does not want to allow debate on the bill or for amendments to be added to it.

Today, I called Senator McConnell’s office and asked the Senator to please reconsider his stance on the 4th amendment. I reminded him that the courts have ruled that bulk data collection is illegal and asked why he was standing with president Obama against the rights of the people. I concluded by urging him to allow debate on and amendments to the Patriot Act.

Here is the number, please call and urge him to do the same politely.  (202) 224-2541

Rand stood and spoke for your rights for 10 hours, can you spare a 2 minute phone call?

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