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Who Mary Matalin is and Why Her Endorsement of Austin Petersen is Such a Big Deal

By Bruce Cohen

If you haven’t heard of Mary Matalin, you haven’t been paying attention. At least, not to politics.  

Her Website says this about her:

…served under President Ronald Reagan, made her marks George H.W. Bush’s Campaign director and most recently as assistant to President George W. Bush, and as assistant and counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney…

She even has an entry in Encyclopedia Britannica you can read here

But most importantly to Austin and the Libertarians is her cred with the big names in the journalism business. While the Walter Block Endorsement/unendorsement thing might not change anything and only the most hard core of LP insiders will care at all, Mary’s endorsement is news to those in the news business.

One would not expect someone with her Royal GOP pedigree with three presidents, Reagan, Bush, Bush 2 and VP Cheney, to go with a Libertarian Party candidate, Donald Trump or not. But she has, in what I believe is a genuine endorsement of a very likeable and good looking young man who has a great grasp of world and national issues.  As a woman who has served with three different men who carried the nuclear football everyday, she puts Austin in their category of trustworthiness and political caliber. This is big news to news insiders. This gives Austin the leverage to break the front door of major media wide open. 

Austin is a genuine Libertarian Party leader and insider who appeals to the pragmatic and inclusive ‘big tent’ libertarians, yet the radicals, anarchists, LGBTQ and other niche LP constituencies can all find something, even many things, to love about Austin Petersen. Yet, he appeals to the college student next door and granny from San Francisco.  He’s mainstream when he needs to be and an Austrian Economics geek when that’s what’s called for.

We now have ½ of the Matalin/Carville household on our side. If Austin gets endorsed by James Carville, I’ll really be impressed.


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