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What Injuries Can You Get From Falling Off a Ladder?

Motor vehicle accidents and falls are major causes of unintentional injuries. Generally speaking, a fall can be categorized as a fall on stairs or steps, out of an open window or out of a building, off a ladder, into a hole, or from one level to another. You can also fall from playground equipment or from tripping over furniture on level ground.

Of these accidents, falls from ladders are of particular concern because of their frequency and due to the fact that they involve falling from a height. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a useful ladder safety app designed specifically to reduce ladder falls.

Using a ladder can be dangerous, regardless of whether you only use a ladder occasionally or if you use one every day. In fact, falls from a height are a common cause of workplace fatalities. Falling off a ladder can lead to a wide range of injuries, ranging from minor to serious, life-changing injuries, permanent disability, and even death.

Some of the most common injuries people suffer from falling off ladders include head injuries, broken bones, broken pelvis, and broken back. These are all serious injuries that can incapacitate you for weeks, months, or even for life. Before you climb a ladder again, keep reading to learn more about how to stay safe.

How Do Ladder Falls Happen?

A fall from a ladder can happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone. Here are the common causes of ladder-related injuries.

Common Ladder Injuries

If you fall off a ladder, you can sustain a number of different injuries, including:

Ladder Safety

If you must use a ladder at home, at work, or elsewhere, follow this checklist first.

The first thing you need to do if you fall from a ladder is to check for injuries. Even if you don’t believe you are seriously injured, you should still see a doctor because some injuries don’t show up until later. If your accident was caused by a defective ladder or by someone’s negligence, you may also want to reach out to a lawyer who can correctly estimate injury compensation.

Educating yourself about the risk factors of ladder falls and their associated preventive measures is the best way to reduce them. If you or a loved one has fallen from a ladder, try not to move the injured individual as you may inadvertently aggravate his or her injuries. Instead, seek professional medical assistance immediately.

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