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What Are the Early Signs of Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is something that tends to happen gradually, rather than suddenly. However, if you’re not aware of what hearing loss feels like, it can be easy to miss the early warning signs that your hearing is no longer what it used to be. Are you starting to notice issues with your hearing and want to know what to expect moving forward? If so, let’s take a look at some early signs of hearing loss, what you can do about these symptoms, and when it’s the best time to book a hearing test.

Signs of Hearing Loss

1. You struggle to have conversations with people around you.

For individuals who’re just beginning to lose their hearing, conversations are no longer enjoyable. Instead, you may often find yourself frustrated and exhausted when trying to engage with others, which is due to the fact that hearing loss presents a major barrier to effective communication. You may also begin to notice signs that you’re having trouble hearing, such as asking people to repeat themselves, misunderstanding people in noisy environments, and encountering difficulties when conversing with others on the phone. If you’re struggling to speak with those around you and feel drained rather than excited by the prospect of being around your friends and family, you may be starting to show signs of hearing loss.

2. You rely more on your ability to read lips rather than looking into someone’s eyes.

Our ears are crucial in allowing us to communicate with others. However, when we start to have hearing problems, we begin to rely on other methods to overcome our trouble hearing. One of the common ways that those with hearing problems will circumvent these issues is by reading lips. Next time you’re having a conversation, pay attention to where your eyes are directed. Are you actively looking into the other person’s eyes while speaking with them? Or are you trying to read their lips in order to get a better grasp of what they’re saying to you? You should also see whether or not you can have a conversation with someone who is turned away from you, as those with early signs of hearing loss may not hear anything when someone’s lips are not in sight and are facing another direction. Paying closer attention to people’s lips when they are talking instead of making eye contact is a good indication that your hearing has declined.

3. Most sounds are muffled and muted to you

Are you constantly telling those that you speak with, that they mumble? Do your family members or friends complain that you have your TV or radio up too loud? Do loud sounds bother others but go unnoticed to you? For those with hearing issues, many noises can sound muffled or muted entirely, which may be something that needs to be pointed out by the people around them. Ask close friends and family if they’ve noticed that you’re a bit hard of hearing as of late. If they’ve noticed that you need louder volumes to understand things going on around you, this is another strong sign that you no longer hear as well as you used to.

What’s Next?

Discovering that you have some of the early signs of hearing loss is beneficial in getting the help that you need. But what’s the next step? If you’ve noticed any of the signs above in your day-to-day life, the next step is to schedule an appointment with an audiologist at a high-quality hearing clinic like those offered by Hearing Health USA. Independent of any hearing device manufacturer, Hearing Health USA is the largest group of hearing health clinics in the United States, with over 200 licensed and certified hearing care professionals and audiologists waiting to support you. If you want to work with an organization that cares about your hearing health, provides you with access to more affordable treatment options, and makes getting the help you need more convenient for you, Hearing Health USA is an excellent service to consider for your hearing needs.

Experiencing hearing loss can have a major impact on your quality of life. However, if you know what to look out for before the problem becomes more difficult to treat, you may have a shot at better hearing moving forward. Whether you believe you’re already experiencing some symptoms or simply want to know what the signs are before they manifest, the guide above will help you catch any hearing problems and guide you to the next step in your hearing journey.

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