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*VIDEO* Gov’t snatches child because parents request 2nd opinion from doctor



SACRAMENTO, CA – A family was destroyed when police officers demanded a Sacramento couple hand over their child for attempting to get a second opinion regarding a suggested medical procedure. In a shocking video, officers are heard telling the couple not to resist and to hand over the baby.

Anna Nikilayev and her husband Alex Nikilayev took their child Sammy to the hospital recently to be treated for flu-like symptoms. They quickly became unhappy with the way the hospital treated the child. After asking a nurse why she was administering antibiotics the woman replied ‘I don’t know’. The mother was understandably upset and explained that the baby was not allowed to be on the medicine because of a heart murmur afflicting the child since birth. After a few days of treatment doctors at the hospital began suggesting heart surgery for the child. Many people generally go and gather second opinions on the matter before undertaking such risky procedures and these parents were no different. However, the response to this was that the couple was referred to Child Protective Services and police were dispatched to seize the child from the rightful parents.

When officers arrived they can be clearly heard on the video saying, “I’m going to grab your baby, and don’t resist, and don’t fight me ok?” Referring to the officer Anna said, “He’s like, ‘okay let your son go,’ so I had to let him go, and he grabbed my arm, so I couldn’t take Sammy. And they took Sammy, and they just walked away,”.

It should come as no surprise that this mindset doesn’t provoke much outrage in the mainstream media considering that it’s now in vogue to proclaim that all of our children inherently belong to the state. This mindset is evidenced by recent comments from MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry who suggests in this video that your children do not belong to you. They belong to the collective. She states that we must “break through the idea that children belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” she says, then we can make “better investments” in public education.”

So yes, in Obama’s America where the government has eminent domain over our children, acts like the kidnapping of the Nikalayev child will become more commonplace. But in a more libertarian republic, this kind of authority would be well beyond the reach of the police.

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