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Tucker Carlson Calls Out Demand Protest Hoax Live On Air [VIDEO]


By Kody Fairfield

On Tuesday, Fox News television host Tucker Carlson held what had to be one of the most odd and confusingly entertaining interviews of any ever done.

The interview, supposedly around an organization called Demand Protest and their march to Washington D.C. to protest the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, quickly turned contentious as Carlson led the conversation off by accusing “Dom Tullipso” of being a fraud and a hoax. Carlson’s accusations were backed up with a litany of information, to which “Tullipso” responded with a cold shoulder.

As the interview played out with Carlson continuing to grill “Tullipso,” the interviewee would not admit to being a hoax, but did give clues to his act.

At one point, he mentions that “his organization is greatly, greatly supportive of national treasure, such as Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Peyton Manning. We really support their efforts to get the truth out there.”

Carlson, realizing the contention had turn to satire, eventually commented that, “Obviously, this is performance art.”

“I will say you are pretty good at it.” Carlson tells “Tullipso.”

When asked for a final time by Carlson about his purpose, “Tullipso” responded, “It’s pretty darn easy these days to just say whatever the heck you want on national TV and have it pass off as truth. It pretty incredible to me how easy it was to get the coverage we got.” He then finished off his interview returning to the satire explaining, ” By the way, I am not saying that any of this is a hoax or any of this is not true, we actually have 100,000 protesters going to Washington DC to fight anybody who is opposed to Donald Trump. Another main reason we shift from being against Trump to Trump, about 30 minutes ago, was basically we realized initially he didn’t really like Julian Assange or Peyton Manning and when he kind of changed, when the election and Assange connection was made, he essentially became a supporter of Assange. So we are now supporting Trump in the hope that the Roswald documents form 1947 are finally released and put back into the hands of Fisher Stevens.”

Before letting “Tullipso” off air, Carlson asked him a candid question about whether he thought he could get away with being on the show without being called out.

“I am just surprised you put me on. That’s what is surprising,” said “Tullipso.” He continued, “God bless you for fact checking, even though you did it while we were on the air.”

Carlson then mentioned that his team knew about the hoax prior to the interview.

Jezebel has the backstory: a company called Demand Protest recently started claiming it was actually behind large protests in the US and had staged those protests. Its website offered to pay $50 per hour, plus a retainer and health benefits, to people willing to protest the Trump inauguration. While some right-wing media outlets were suspicious (InfoWars noted it wasn’t clear whether the company was legitimate), others were gleeful, per Jezebel. Washington Times, for example, originally led its article on the company with, “There may really be such a thing as a professional protester.” Fox, however, was skeptical.

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