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Trump on Locking Hillary Up: “…We Don’t Care, Right?”


by Brendan Berger

Remember way back in the primordial times of like 5 weeks ago when #DrainTheSwamp was a thing?

Seems so long ago doesn’t it?

Apparently our new dictator– Umm, I mean, the hair guy who won the election– has decided to take a break from adding gators to said swamp. Instead he’s seeing to the continued happiness of one of the biggest and most gator-y of all gators.  He’s so over going after Hilary Clinton.

Addressing supporters today in Michigan the President-elect responded to enthusiastic chants of “lock her up” by saying “that plays great before the election – now we don’t care right?”

(Story with the video can be found here)


The crowd didn’t seem to know how to react, which is understandable. It’s rather like Wile. E Coyote announcing he really wasn’t that fussed about roadrunner anymore. I guess those of us who are surprised are really the ones to blame right?  We only ASSUMED he would be very much in favor of ‘locking her up’ based on little things like…direct statements made over a period of many months. Like this!

This marks the latest in a series of what the President-elect’s supporters like to think of as pragmatic maneuvers and the rest of us call 180 degree positional turns.  Subjects ranging from his opinion of his predecessor, the border fence– Err, I mean, “wall”– and nuclear proliferation, and the use of torture. Minor things, not things he made issues in his campaign at all.

I actually should applaud his candor here. “That plays great before the election – now we don’t care right?” is a more fitting slogan for his entire movement than “make American great again” ever has been.  It seems leopards really can’t change their spots.  Though this leopard never really tried, he just hopped from tree to tree (are leopards arboreal?) loudly declaring he was in fact striped.

The President-elect’s supporters were so busily imitating liberals by responding to real questions about their candidate with enthusiastic sloganeering (remember that swamp?) that they are probably being caught by surprise by this.  The rest of us who don’t like Kool-Aid that much are not.  I suppose the silver lining here is that a lot of the dear leader’s policy ideas were so hair brained that the best solution would be the exact opposite of them.  Don’t worry; he’ll get there.  

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