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Trump Fans Reach an All New Level of Petty with Megyn Kelly

Trump Fans Reach an All New Level of Petty with Megyn Kelly

by Brittni Kates

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Donald Trump supporters reached an all new level of low with Megyn Kelly’s new autobiography “Settle for More.”  The book tells of how her upbringing guided her decisions to make career changes that benefited her in the long run. Trump zealots have been trolling her book on Amazon, giving it bogus reviews based on their views of her. When are these supporters going to let it go?

The cause of all this madness was one moment at the first GOP debate. Megyn called out Donald’s history with women. Regardless of what you think of the parties involved, it was a pretty fair question. It was an issue everyone knew was going to be brought up in the general election with any one of the candidates. Even if they had never said anything disrespectful about a woman in their professional career, there is no amount of digging that is too much for Hillary Clinton. No matter who would have been candidate, they would be answering for everything they’d ever said about any woman ever. Donald was given the opportunity to practice what he would do with that question with a Republican moderating team.

So what does Donald do to show she respects women? Well in case you’ve been under a rock, he went on the full-blown attack towards Kelly. “You could see blood coming out of her eyes, out of her..where ever..”

And his fans ate it up. They used it as an excuse to go after her. They also went after any other conservative women who stood by Megyn.

After an Entire Year and Election Later

Now, even after the election, supporters are still trying to come after Megyn with a vengeance. But is it working to their favor? Quite frankly, no. The great thing about Amazon is they will show a “verified buyer” indication on reviews of people who actually purchased the product. I’m not sure about you, but I filter through to these reviewers when shopping on Amazon. I don’t like reading about some nitwit who doesn’t know what they’re talking about because they don’t actually have the product. Believe it or not, people do go around reviewing products they don’t own.

According to book sales, these trolls don’t have their desired effect. If they’ve been trying to rustle up Megyn’s feathers, it was a failure to begin with. Megyn is one tough cookie who is not phased by pettiness. If they were trying to ruin sales, the general public knows how to spot and ignore trolls. But my question to the Trump supporters responsible for this is: why even bother? You got what you wanted. Why not just move on like adults?

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