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Top 10 Reasons Why Hispanics Should Vote for Rand Paul

Rand Paul is the Hispanic Community’s Best Choice

by Jose Nino

[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]oday, Hispanics make up roughly 17% of the U.S. population. These numbers will only grow in the following decades, with a Brookings Institution report projecting Hispanics to make up 25% of the U.S. populace by 2044. Naturally, this makes for a voting bloc that politicians must have if they want to be relevant on the national stage.

Identity politics and heavy race baiting characterize today’s politics. Politicians, especially those on the Left, always propose giving out all sorts of government goodies to these groups in return for votes and other forms of support. Those who oppose these programs are labeled “racist” and enemies of those groups. As is life in the era of identity politics.

The 2016 elections mark a special moment in U.S. history where Americans will be faced with significant electoral decisions. After 16 years of explosive government growth under the Bush and Obama administration, the U.S. is on the brink of turning into a European style welfare state. Whether we like it or not, the Hispanic community will play a big role in this process in one shape or form.

Fortunately, there is one candidate that not only represents the Hispanics community’s best interests but will also reverse this trend of big-government. Rand Paul is that candidate.

Here are 10 reasons why Rand Paul is the Hispanic community’s best option:

#1. He Supports Common Sense Immigration Reform


Much talk coming out of Washington DC on immigration issues has completely missed the mark.  Both sides of the aisle produce solutions that only grow the size of the State and don’t take full advantage of the productive capacities of immigrants. Immigration is a very sensitive issue for Hispanics. Many Hispanics in the U.S. have relatives who are undocumented workers or live under murky residential statuses. The reality is that mass immigration is a dynamic that is here to stay, whether we like it or not.

Rand Paul’s position on immigration is a common sense alternative that ultimately balances domestic security with a flexible immigration program.

Although Paul supports a fence, his proposal is not as onerous as proposals put forward by other Republican candidates. In fact, he does not believe in forced deportation of illegal immigrants that are already in the country. On the contrary, he would rather implement a legal immigration process to integrate the 11 million illegal immigrants that have already crossed the US border.

Paul states in an interview with Politico that:

“The other thing to acknowledge is, it’s not always the individual’s fault,” …. “Sometimes it’s a child who has no control over this. But sometimes it’s also someone who came here and tried to use our system. We as conservatives talk a lot about big government and how big government never seems to work. We’re always talking about Obamacare now, how big government is a disaster. … Well, guess what? Big government’s not very good with the visa system, either.”

As a true defender of free-market values, Rand Paul understands that immigration is a natural market process and that the State is very inefficient when it comes to managing the entire immigration process. Conservatives may talk a lot about inclusiveness and limiting big government, but their proposals do the exact opposite.

Deporting 11 million immigrants is not only unrealistic, but also requires a heavy-handed State to enforce such an act. Not exactly a limited government solution. It’s time for realistic solutions that promote freedom, security, and human dignity.

In short, Paul’s stance on immigration reform is twofold:

  1. Make immigration reform contingent upon three factors: 1). A vote by Congress that would determine whether the border is secure. 2) A provision that includes the completion of a border fence within five years. 3) A protection against the federal government establishing a national ID card system.
  1. Once the aforementioned requirements are complete, a work visa program will go into effect, allowing for the 11 million illegal immigrants to transition into documented work status and a potential path to citizenship further down the line.

In matters of immigration, Hispanics can trust Rand Paul to uphold their interests and make it easier for their loved ones to enjoy the American dream.

#2. He is A Champion of Affordable and Accessible Education

Even though high school dropout rates have seen significant declines in the past few decades, Hispanics from ages 18 to 24 are at the top of the list of racial groups with the highest dropout rates. According to Pew Research data, Hispanics have a dropout rate of 14%.

The one size fits all education system that the U.S. has does not cut it for the Hispanic community. The high dropout rate amongst Hispanics should be no surprise. When you have an over bureaucratized education system where only teacher unions and administrators benefit, it is no shock why many Hispanic students don’t see much opportunity for social advancement.

Rand Paul’s educational policies would drastically alleviate this problem. Through the abolition of Common Core and the Department of Education, power will finally be returned to students, families, and teachers. Paul’s proposal will allow for students and families to choose from whatever schooling system they see fit — whether it be public, charter, private, home school, or online.

The Hispanic community does not need any more top-down educational programs that purportedly give them a helping hand. What this community needs is empowerment through the free market. Paul’s vision allows for the key ingredient missing in today’s educational system —completion. Everyone benefits under this arrangement.

#3. He Defends Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Business regulations in the U.S. are at all-time highs. With an alphabet soup of federal agencies ranging from the EPA to the FDA, the aspiring entrepreneur finds himself stuck in a cost prohibitive regulatory maze.

Regulations are essentially hidden taxes that only make it harder for entrepreneurs to start-up their businesses. For the humble entrepreneur, the current regulatory framework is at times just to cost prohibitive for them.

According to a 2013 report from the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic business growth is 2 times faster than the national average. Entrepreneurship as a means of poverty reduction is well documented. Adding more regulatory hurdles does the Hispanic community no favors, especially those that are recent immigrants or trying to join the middle class.

A Rand Paul administration will fight burdensome agencies and unelected bureaucrats that impede business growth. Rand Paul is the true free market candidate. Free markets are what made America great and have allowed for countless minorities such as Hispanics to thrive and prosper.

Unlike most Republican candidates, Rand Paul’s policies consist of taking power away from unelected bureaucrats and eventually eliminating certain departments and regulations. Free market reforms are not crony capitalist measures or lukewarm tax-cuts; they are wholesale reductions of government regulations that allow for people to run their businesses freely.

Hispanic voters should be weary of any candidate that talks a big game about free markets, but that does not have concrete plans to actually reduce the size of the State. Make no mistake about it —Rand Paul is the Hispanic entrepreneur’s best friend.

#4. He Will Reform Drug Policy

The Drug War has been one of the U.S. Government’s most damaging and unjust programs. This war has claimed many victims above all, Black and Hispanic minorities. Many Latin America countries have been ravaged by drug cartels thanks to the black markets opened up by U.S. drug prohibition and domestic prohibition measures in those countries. For 40 years and counting, this war has not produced any significant changes.

Unfortunately, the rest of the Republican field of candidates wants to continue this misguided policy.

Rand Paul offers a more humane alternative towards the issue of drugs. Paul has voiced support for ending harsh mandatory minimum laws for marijuana possession and is a firm believer that medical marijuana legalization is a states’ rights issue. Although Paul’s policies will not immediately end the War on Drugs, his gradualist policies can open up a national discussion on the legitimacy of this unjust program.

Hispanic and Black minorities have suffered enough harm at the hands of the War on Drugs. For the sake of human decency, policymakers must reconsider the justifications for these policies and look towards drug liberalization alternatives. At the end of the day, Rand Paul is the candidate that can bring about this paradigm shift.

#5. He is a Defender of Free Market Healthcare

Obamacare is one of the largest government intrusions in the private sector in recent years. Despite its noble intentions of increasing health care coverage, Obamacare will only drive up costs and further drive a wedge between doctors and patients.

Currently, Hispanics are the largest group without health insurance. Based on the latest statistics from the CDC, 30.4% of Hispanics are uninsured. Government intervention in the health sector will not improve these numbers.

Rand Paul supports the deregulation of insurance policies that will let people buy insurance across state lines and subject the industry to competition. In addition, a Paul administration would tackle tort reform and promote the use of medical savings accounts.

The crux of Paul’s platform is wholesale deregulation, not tinkering around the margins. The rest of the competition only offers solutions that hack at the branches but ultimately do not strike at the root of the current healthcare dilemma.

If Hispanics want more affordable and accessible healthcare, Rand Paul is their candidate.

#6. He Will Reduce the Size of the Welfare State

In the U.S., the Hispanic community has built a strong reputation for its hard work and entrepreneurial prowess. According to recent reports, they are the population group with the second lowest percentage of people on welfare. If Hispanics want to continue on the road prosperity, they must not fall for the siren song of the welfare state.

Under a Rand Paul presidency, welfare will be a thing of the past. Rand Paul’s plans are to phase out Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and encourage private saying plans in their stead. The long-term goal is to have a complete separation of savings and state.

Welfare is well-known for making its recipients dependent on government assistance. It has also served as a clever vote-buying scheme for statist politicians. One need not look any further at the devastating impact that welfare has had on the African-American community. Despite being stuck in a state of government dependency, the African-American community continues to be a monolithic voting bloc for the Democrat party.

Hispanic voters should be weary of any politician —Democrat or Republican— that proposes any more expansions of the welfare state. Hispanics have beaten poverty through entrepreneurship and hard work, not through government assistance. The aforementioned African-American case should be a fair warning to the Hispanic community of what happens to communities that buy into the soup kitchen of the welfare state.

When it comes to curbing the welfare state and ensuring economic prosperity, a Rand Paul presidency is the Hispanic community’s best bet.

#7. He Will Cut Government Spending

While many Hispanic families are tightening their belts during the economic recession, the U.S. government continues to spend way beyond its means. Borrowing and spending, like any other economic activities, have their limits. Eventually, the money will run out and the U.S. will be faced with the following alternatives: 1). Exercising sharp fiscal restraint, 2) Defaulting or going bankrupt, or 3) Astronomically raising taxes in order to futilely pay off the national debt.

Neither of the latter two options bode well for the burgeoning Hispanic community.

Rand Paul does not beat around the bush in matters concerning government spending. In his time in the Senate, Paul has proposed budget plans that contain across the board cuts in government spending. Paul sees no sacred cows in the federal budget —defense spending, education spending, and entitlement spending are all fair game.

In the same vein, Paul proposes a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) to assure that federal government is kept on a strict fiscal diet. The harsh reality is that many Republicans talk a big game about fiscal responsibility, but do not offer concrete spending cuts. In other cases the “cuts” that they propose are effectively reductions in spending increases, a grossly misleading policy proposal.

A Rand Paul presidency will guarantee Hispanics and their progeny a stable fiscal environment where future generations will not be burdened by excessive public debt and high taxes.

#8. He Will Lower Taxes

The U.S.’s deficit spending spree will eventually come to a grinding halt when economic reality hits and the government has to implement harsh fiscal measures. The sad reality is that the conventional answer to the deficit problem always involves policies laden with all sorts of tax hikes.

For starters, tax hikes impede economic growth. There is no substantial evidence that demonstrates that high tax rates are motors for economic growth. The U.S. already has a burdensome tax code and the highest corporate tax rates in the developed world. Even more, you could be paying additional taxes depending on the State you live in.

The U.S’s fiscal issues are spending problems, not a question of insufficient taxes or levels of taxation. Rand Paul proposes tax cuts for everyone, independent of their economic status. Steady job creation and economic growth are not possible under a byzantine tax code.

A burdensome tax system is the last thing a growing community like the Hispanic community needs. Whether it is higher taxes on the 1% or increased payroll taxes, tax increases hurt all social classes. The economy is interconnected and any distortion caused by government in one sector will spread to others.

Under a Rand Paul administration, Hispanics will be able to sleep peacefully knowing that Uncle Sam will not be eating up the majority of their hard-earned income.

#9. He Will Normalize Relations with Cuba

With recent talks to normalize economic and political relations with Cuba, it seems that cooler heads are prevailing in Washington DC. Since the Cuban Embargo was enacted in 1960, relations between the two countries have been tense to say the least. Even after more than 50 years of existence, this embargo has done nothing to topple the Castro regime. It’s high time for some policy change and Rand Paul is the candidate to make it happen.

Many Hispanics of Cuban descent still have countless family members living in squalid conditions in the island nation. In addition to living under a dictatorship, they are completely cut off from trade with the biggest economy in the world. No true supporter of free markets can justify a trade embargo. It is isolationism plain and simple.

There is no denying that Cuba is a dictatorship, but that has not kept the U.S. from trading with countries like China, whose atrocities make the Castro regime’s abuses look like child’s play. The end of the embargo may not cause a sudden regime change in Cuba, but it will allow for a potential entrepreneurial class to rise and challenge the status quo in the near future.

In the same vein, normalization of relations with Cuba will allow for American citizens to finally visit Cuba and see firsthand the effects of totalitarian socialism. Even in its more restricted forms, markets can still hack away at statist structures.

Rand Paul is on the right side of history on this issue. Candidates like Marco Rubio, a Cuban himself, represent a conservative status quo that picks and chooses free market policies where they see fit. On the other hand, Rand Paul sees free markets as a coherent package of policies that must be implemented in all spheres of human activity. If Latinos want to see true change in Cuban policy that benefits both countries, Rand Paul is their choice.

#10. He is a Principled Defender of the 2nd Amendment

The right to bear arms is a right that is unfortunately taken for granted or not respected in many countries across the world. What made America truly exceptional is its enshrinement of this fundamental right in the 2nd Amendment. Many Hispanics come from countries where only the military, corrupt law enforcement agents, and criminals have access to guns. Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela are some of the more lurid case studies that currently demonstrate that gun control policies are not effective means of curbing crime.

Taking it to another extreme, one can look no further at Cuba, and see the current state of tyranny that it faces under the Castro regime. Gun control played a huge role in Fidel Castro’s consolidation of power, which he made sure to implement in order to prevent a potential uprising against his tyrannical regime. The importance of having an armed citizenry can’t be stressed enough.

Rand Paul is a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment. He has received a perfect score from Gun Owners of America, the most principled gun lobby in the U.S. today. As a part of his platform, Paul has vowed to fight and repeal any measures that restrict the U.S.’s sacred right to bear arms.

Many Hispanics have grandparents and parents that escaped their homelands in search of economic and political freedom. The 2nd Amendment is one of the many freedoms that our forebears could not enjoy back in Latin America. Without a shadow of doubt, a Rand Paul presidency will prevent a repeat of the social and political nightmares that our parents had to deal with in their ancestral homelands.

With the Hispanic population growing larger and larger, their impact on U.S. politics can’t be underestimated. They represent a very promising voter base to tap into. Like many immigrants before them, Hispanics have fought tooth and nail to enjoy the benefits of the American Dream. For them to continue reaping these benefits, they must elect leaders that promote freedom in all spheres of life.

Too many politicians these days look at the State as the solution for all of the U.S.’s problems. If the Hispanic community wants politics as usual and lukewarm reforms, there is a laundry list of candidates on both the Republican and Democrat side of the aisle to choose from. On the other hand, if the Hispanic community wants an America characterized by dynamic economic growth and an aura of freedom, Rand Paul is their candidate.

The choice at the voting booth has never been easier.

Vote Rand Paul.

RELATED: The Case For Susana Martinez As Rand Paul’s VP Pick

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