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TLR’s Guide to Defeating Your Hangover

It’s New Year’s Day and some of you are undoubtedly feeling hungover. Don’t just lay around feel lousy all day, here are some unconventional tips to beating hangover.

First, forget water– I mean really, would you need an article to tell you to drink water? Actually a beverage with electrolytes like Gatorade will hydrate you more efficiently. So buy a big bottle and pound it.

Step aside water


Eat a banana— good source of potassium, easy to keep down.

POM Juice

This stuff is loaded with antioxidants. No need to get into science, just know that antioxidants are what you need when you feel like you want to die because you drank more than one human should the night before.

Once you’re hydrated, eaten your banana, and had some POM juice, you should be feeling better.

You can pick up some coconut juice to sip on throughout the day– also loaded with good nutrients and antioxidants.

Hope these tips get you feeling better!

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