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Tinder Experiment Shows That Most Men Are Actually Polite & Amazing

If you look for the bad in someone, you’ll always find it…

The fake profile used in the experiment

[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap] Tinder experiment done by Yahoo style proved something that some people might find hard to believe… most men are actually polite, well behaved, and amazing! Who’d have thought?

Karen Cheng and Paul Mestemaker built a Tinder robot app that measured responses from 1,000 men in San Francisco and 1,000 in New York City. The robot would automatically swipe right on profiles, and test how the men would respond to a fake profile. The assumption was that there would be a large number of negative responses, since the robot would not actually respond to them. The idea was that the men would behave negatively, and act frustrated by saying crude things to the fake profile.

The reason for the assumption was because of a very popular Instagram account where women publicly shame men who become hostile if they are rejected or ignored. Of course, there will always be some bad actors, but what this experiment revealed from a non self-selected sample was more interesting because it’s the truth. Out of the 1,007 men who messaged “Lisa,” the overwhelming responses proved that men are actually overall very sweet. Does that fit your preconceived narrative?

Let’s take a look at the response data from Yahoo:

The results show that out of a thousand men who messaged the profile and were ignored, not one single respondent became hostile. Pretty much all of the men were respectful, and yes some did say they were looking for a hookup, but it’s Tinder… what do you expect?

The experiment creators reported that they actually felt bad after it was over. Many of the men put sincere effort in getting to know her, googling her company and trying to bring up interesting conversations. The authors of the study concluded that the bad actors that are plastered all over the Internet to be mocked are sort of like shark attacks. You hear about them all the time in the summer, but only maybe 5 people a year actually are killed by them.

Still, if you have a preconceived stereotype, it’s probably going to lead you to act out on your stupid notions. For every butthole, there are a thousand sincere gentlemen. And for every stupid, angry, preconceived question posted by feminists… we have an answer:

20 Stupid Feminist Questions For Men Answered


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