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Tim Allen Blasts Political Handouts and Compares Clintons to an STD

Actor and comedian Tim Allen had some choice words when asked his opinion on the current election cycle, blasting people who want “free” things and comparing the Clintons to an STD.

The star of the politically-outspoken sitcom Last Man Standing railed against political handouts and underscored his concern for the national debt in a recent interview.

Candidates “are just telling people they’re going to get all sorts of free shit. When you say you’re going to get free education, free health care — f—, free brown loafers — of course everybody’s going to say yes to that. But you don’t mean it. That’s how you rack up debt, and debt is killing us. Whatever party is going to get us out of debt is my party.”

When asked what what really “riles” him up, Allen answered:

“Unearned responses, unearned praise, unearned income.” He continued, “on both sides you see clowns who say shit that ain’t ever going to happen, but lately one party is the free shit party.”

Focusing on Bernie Sanders, Allen added, “Bernie Sanders, as nice a guy as he is, none of that shit’s going to happen.”

On Donald Trump, Allen said he could do some good, but dismissed his comments on immigration as “ignorant.”

“Trump can’t send everybody to Mexico or whatever the f**k he said. But give that guy the roads, bridges, infrastructure, power grid — just have him fix that shit for four years. He’s good at that. And he’s a businessman so he understands how debt load works. Forget the stupid shit he says about immigrants. That’s just ignorant. But he might be able to do the stuff that really needs fixing.”

Asked why his show takes aim at Hillary and not Trump, Allen said, “we’re not sure [Trump’s] going to last, whereas the Clintons are like herpes: Just when you think they’re gone, they show up again.”

So who does Allen like for president? John Kasich. He says Kasich is a “Republican that Democrats would vote for, a Republican the Republicans should respect. But he’s not saying provocative things. He’s not glib enough or he doesn’t speak well enough because somehow he doesn’t get traction. So we’ll end up with somebody scary.”

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