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This Guy Goes To Muslims To Buy His Gay Wedding Cake, Guess What?

Comedian Steven Crowder produced a video of himself going to Muslim bakeries to try and get a gay wedding cake. Crowder wanted to defy the narrative that only evil Christians are the ones who want to have the right to discriminate. Many of the bakeries decided to serve Crowder, who posed as a homosexual, but some of them did not.

From Crowder’s Blog:

Yes folks, I did this. I went there. You have this now.  As I was discussing on last week’s radio show/podcast Actually, I taped this video a long time ago but due to audio corruption issues, was never able to upload it.  Now that my in-house whizz kid, Jared was able to salvage the footage, I am passing it onto you.

What do you think happens when a gay, like SUPER gay Crowder tries to get a super gay wedding cake baked at a Muslim bakery? I’m pretty sure you can guess, but you might as well watch this week’s adventure to Dearborn, MI to find out!

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