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The Destruction of the Constitution

The Constitution is not a Chinese buffet where you pick the parts you like and disregard the rest.

We all know that our rights are being eroded away. But this season, this particular election year, it seems that most candidates are making it their duty to throw away the Constitution. Add that to the fascists on campuses who are tired of the 1st Amendment and liberals who are against our Second Amendment rights as well as our Fifth Amendment rights to due process. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the current frontrunners of our two major parties (God help us if either are elected), are both calling for restrictions on the First Amendment.

What the hell is wrong with this country? Why in God’s name is Donald Trump, the man who believes he can get Bill Gates to shut down part of the internet, leading in the polls? Why the hell is a man who says he will violate the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, and the 1st Amendment allowed to be the messenger of the GOP? To shape what Americans thinks of Republicans and conservatives? A man who espouses big government solutions like building a wall, deporting eleven to twelve million people (not to mention letting them back in), reauthorizing the Patriot Act in disregard of the Fourth Amendment, and his recent advocacy for censoring the internet.

Why in God’s name is Hillary Clinton, one of the worst Secretary of States in the history of nation, the neoconservative hawk who voted for Iraq, pushed for the Libyan War (she still supports it), along with the arming of Syrian rebels, still in the lead for the Democratic nomination? The same person who pushed for the reset with Russia (before those relationships went jumping out the window). The same woman who has had scandals raining from the heavens? The same woman who, like Trump, wants to somehow shut down parts of the internet?

We see a disregard for the constitution and freedom in Chris Christie. We see that in Marco Rubio and in Jeb Bush. These are people who are running for the highest office in the land and arguably in the world. They swear to uphold the Constitution, but fail to do so.

I’m preaching to the choir here. But for God’s sake, let us not continue this downward path. For the sake of our founding principles, for the sake of our way of life, we cannot continue to let this sea of authoritarianism choke out the life of civil liberties in this country.

We cannot let the destruction of our Constitutional rights continue.

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