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Texas store owner guns down man who tried to steal beer, gets arrested (VIDEO)

The thief is off to the great gangbang in the sky, depending on your theology

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Texas shopkeeper Rodney Duve gunned down a 39-year-old known gang member when he came and robbed his store. The gangbanger was killed instantly on his way out the door, two beer cases in hand.

Duve was arrested and being held in jail in lieu of a $35,000 bond.

From Rawstory:

“Texas is supposed to be the land of lax gun laws but the police have been quick to throw all the blame at a man who was simply trying to protect his business,” Stephen Kersey of the “boys club” blog Every Joe wrote. “Don’t want to get shot? Don’t be a thief. It’s that simple. Be a useful part of society and you won’t have to be worried.”

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