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Terry Crews Defends The Role of Fathers to Jenny McCarthy in Awesome ‘View’ Rant (VIDEO)

Terry Crews is an actor and former Los Angeles Rams football player best known for his iconic appearances in Old Spice commercials. Crews recently launched into a passionate rant about the importance of fatherhood during an appearance on ‘The View.’

Crews argued that both mothers and fathers make unique contributions to their children’s development, stating that fathers play a critical role in transmitting a legacy and a sense of confidence to their children.

Fellow panelist Jenny McCarthy protested, denying that fathers played any indispensable role in children’s development.

Whoopi Goldberg also disagreed with Crews, implying that his worldview had more in common with the film ‘The Lion King’ than real life. Yet Crews held his ground, and Goldberg ultimately conceded that every child should have a male father figure.

Crews stands atop a mountain of scientific evidence: study after study has demonstrated that fathers play a key role in socializing their offspring. McCarthy and Goldberg’s assertions, on the other hand, seem to be rooted singularly in their own anecdotal experiences.

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