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Ten Times Social Justice Warriors Sounded Exactly Like Nazis

Apparently You Must Love Women of Your Own Race

“I was just thinking about other races and cultures and how much they cherish and love their women and place them on a pedestal above everyone else and then I look at dark skinned black men and they literally have entire communities on twitter and instagram dedicated to shitting on their own women???? And putting other races above their own??? I don’t get it… ://”


Don’t Spare the Feelings of “Ragheads”

“He tried to change the subject by telling me I was beautiful because I had ‘Caucasian features.’  I am Ethiopian. My entire family is from Ethiopia. There might be some would-be colonizer in my ancestry but we don’t talk about on a first date this way. It was disgusting. This idiot was not white, btw. He was from India, emigrated like 3 years before.[…] Politeness no longer matters to me because freaks like that ass Paki take advantage of it and try to corner you. If rag head says something so f–ked up it makes you say ‘No’ inside, don’t think about how to spare their feelings. Gtfo.”


People hate Jews because they “steal” the wealth of poor people

“People’s disdain for Jews has absolutely NOTHING to do with the religious aspect of Judaism. Again, hate towards Jews always stems from the fact that Jews are stealing wealth from poor sub-groups of people. Just like what’s happening in France right now, the French are upset about all the financial corruption that the Jews are involved in-in France right now. “


Having sex with your out-group is a “disgusting fetish”

“Having sex with cis men needs to be treated like the disgusting fetish it is.

Showing up barely on porn sites,and hidden away in dark corners for $49.99 a month.

I mean,I would never do something as disgusting as that.”


All the Things That Your Culture Values Were ‘Stolen’ from Others

Source above

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is an unscientific “Negro” falsifying history

“got scientist negros like neil degrasse tyson spewing ahistorical, anti-native, antiblack shit in the name of science coz white science said”


Kids are brainwashed to believe in equality, but “Hatred is natural”


“After reading black rage, I feel justified when I say ‘I hate white people.’ I used to feel like I was wrong for hating, but then I realized, hatred is natural. The only reason I felt it was wrong because of the religious influence in my life as a child and my mother instilling ‘equality’ into my life.”

You’re Not Human!

“I just facepalmed so hard that my hand came out the other side of my head.

White people are so damn entitled, this shit doesn’t surprise me and yet in some way it does. Who let a 13 year old on the internet to spout this ~*~wow love and light cures all there is no racism those dead black ppl aren’t dead they’re just sleeping teehee~*~ s–t.

All one human race no lol. You and I are not related cracker.”


This race is a “disease” that should be “eradicated”

“I do not know how you guys are living in America and haven’t yet gone on a killing spree. White people are a MESS and should honestly just be eradicated. They’re like a disease that’s infected the entire world.”


No difference between a Jew and a pig

“If someone is offended that is honestly their own problem. Sorry but to me there is no difference between a Jew and a pig, to me.”


One more that may surprise you ahead…

Social justice must be “fused into the hearts of the youth”

“The spirit of nationalism and a feeling for social justice must be fused into one sentiment in the hearts of the youth.”

Source: Page 351 of “Mein Kampf” by Adolf Hitler

Thanks to /r/StormfrontorSJW for examples!

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