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Supporters of the House Freedom Caucus Stand Up of HFC on Trump’s Facebook


By Kody Fairfield

Following President Donald Trump tweeting a waging of war against the House Freedom Caucus, he reshared the comment in a professionally produce quote art on his official Facebook page, where he was promptly met by unhappy conservatives defending the principled conservatives.

Here is his initial tweet:

Then his cross post to Facebook.

The voices defending the House Freedom Caucus:

Steven Danielsen– You wrong. They art protect the gop majority that you almost destroyed!!# back off this fight you dont want to nick because you lose as those who love the u.s constitution include koch will back the freedom caucus. The koch brother prepare seven figure amount to protect freedom caucus from you bullying and if dont watch it we will find primary challenger cor 2020 and make sure one term president
The freedom caucus is following the will of the people. We dir not suport #obamacarelite.

Kathy ThomasI am really concerned by this statement. They are true conservatives. Not like Paul Ryan that’s votes out of both sides of his mouth. We must unite with the freedom caucus or be deadlocked totally. Open your eyes please Mr President. You are being mislead. Big time.

Richard Colacino– I love you DJT but you are wrong here…..the Freedom Caucus saved this country from a terrible bill and disastrous loses in congress. We will not accept Obamacare lite.

Jeff Scheidt– President Trump, you are making a grave error. The Freedom Caucus is on America’s team, on the Constitution’s team, but not blindly on the Republican team. It is not constitutionally-minded patriots who are the problem. We have faithfully supported the likes of Paul Ryan before only to be stabbed in the back by his ilk of bottom-feeder when it was politically expedient. You better wake up.

John Stauffer– Sorry Mr. President, I usually agree with you, but you are wrong on this. The Freedom Caucus are the only true conservatives fighting for us. The real threat are the RHiNOs and the GOP establishment. You need to deal with them and put them in their place.

Brian Wood The Freedom Caucus is doing the job for America that your new RINO friends should be doing! Get a grip TRUMP, you have lost my support and 2020 vote!

James Nino Targeting the libertarian demo is like breaking your own legs then wondering why you cant walk.
Instead of opposing the small group of people who are ACTUALLY looking out for the American people and working WITH the swamp monsters like Paul Ryan you said you were going to clean out, maybe you should embrace some freedom?

Scott Hale– This is fake news. The Freedom Caucus saved the President from the humiliation of a healthcare bill that would have failed and given the blame to the Republicans. We need something better than a replacement bill that does not address the real problems of healthcare. Instead of ramming together a policy that no one is able to see ahead of time, why not work together before going public?

In fact, going through the thread, it appears that very few are happy with the President’s shift away from the conservative group. And though this cannot be directly correlated to the presidential approval numbers, one could easily see how the divisiveness being created by the White House, even toward what should be its base, would create such a situation.

Someone close to Trump should warn him that having a growing list of enemies does not lead to much winning, especially when the enemy is in your own party.

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