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“Shopping While Black”? Student accused of theft at fancy store after he bought the item!

“Cause I’m Young And I’m Black And My Hat’s Real Low?”

NEW YORK, NY – A young black college student named Trayon Christian from Queens was splurging on a $350 belt at Barney’s when he suddenly found himself in handcuffs. A store attendant didn’t think he had money to purchase the item, even though he already paid for it.

Now the man is suing, alleging racial discrimination. “His only crime was being a young black man,” his attorney, Michael Palillo said.

Christian was shocked when he was exiting the store and was grabbed by undercover officers asking how “a young black man like him could afford to purchase such an expensive belt”. A clerk then called the police to claim that the purchase was fraudulent. Officers arrived and arrested Christian, placing him into custody.

At the station the man properly identified himself and produced his receipt, proving he had purchased the belt. Palillo said, “In spite of producing such documentation, Christian was told that his identification was false and that he could not afford to make such an expensive purchase.”

Officers contacted Chase bank, which verified that the card belonged to the man, whereupon he was released. Christian returned the belt to the store and is now suing both Barney’s and the NYPD.


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