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Sending Thomas Massie Some Backup: Matt Gurtler For Congress

This week, Liberty warriors from across the country are moving mountains… at least in a way that is acceptable when you’re social distancing. You’ll find these patriots making phone calls to the good people of Georgia, urging them to vote Matt Gurtler into Congress on June 19th.

Many of these supporters have been motivated to drain the swamp of Washington DC for a long time. But just weeks ago, we were reminded that only one man in DC is truly concerned with protecting Americans from an ever-growing government that takes from the least of us and gives to the rich. I’m referring to the 2 trillion dollar stimulus that Congressman Thomas Massie famously called for a roll call vote on, “I came here to make sure our republic doesn’t die by unanimous consent in an empty chamber”.

There was principled outrage about the bill being a large corporate welfare scheme from left-wing members like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. However, the only House member that took the stance against economic inequality perpetuated by government cronyism and overspending when the vote happened was Massie

But hope springs eternal and there is an opportunity to send Massie some backup in the swamp. This is why those Liberty warriors are hard at work to send another principled conservative to Congress. Gurtler is a proven small government, low-tax, pro 2ndAmendment conservative. His record as a Georgia State Representative shows it. Plus, he was endorsed by Thomas Massie himself.

To get involved with Gurtler’s campaign or learn more about him, visit his website MattGurtlerForCongress.comDonate what you can in money, making calls, or just put out a yard sign if you happen to live in the 9th district of Georgia. Most importantly, tell the good people of Georgia to send Thomas Massie some back up in Washington DC and drain the swamp… for real.

Follow him on Twitter @MatthewGurtler 


*This is not an official endorsement by The Libertarian Republic.

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