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Senator Says First Amendment Doesn’t Apply To Individuals

By: Laura Meyers

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) thinks that the first amendment, and specifically freedom of religion isn’t for the individual, it’s just for the institutions.

I mean, free speech and thought is just meh anyways.

On MSNBC’s show Up with Steve Kornacki, Baldwin was discussing the recent Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage when she had her oops moment.

She says, “Certainly the first amendment says that in institutions of faith that there is absolute power to, you know, to observe deeply held religious beliefs. But I don’t think it extends far beyond that. We’ve seen the set of arguments play out in issues such as access to contraception. Should it be the individual pharmacist whose religious beliefs guides whether a prescription is filled, or in this context, they’re talking about expanding this far beyond our churches and synagogues to businesses and individuals across this country. I think there are clear limits that have been set in other contexts and we ought to abide by those in this new context across America.”

Welp. I have nothing left to say. And apparently I don’t even have the constitutional right to do so anyway, so we’re good.

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