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Senator Rand Paul Tying Fed audit bill to Yellen’s nomination (VIDEO)

Battle Over The Central Bank Chair

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is requesting that any nomination of Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen also include a debate over his bill that would audit the Federal Reserve. This bill would provide transparency of the nation’s monetary supply and it would put the central bank under more scrutiny.

The battle over a central bank dates back to American revolutionary periods, when a first bank was chartered by Washington and later allowed to expire. A second push by major institutional financial interests was successful in creating another central bank, which was famously destroyed by Democrat President Andrew Jackson.

Progressive central planners managed to reinstitute a central bank again in 1913, as well as pass an income tax and create an enormous regulatory structure over the American financial system.

Senator Rand Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency Act, S. 209, is a harkening back to the days of America’s founding when people didn’t want their money made by government.

Free market economist Friedrich Hayek, who Paul admires, once stated, “I am more convinced than ever that if we ever again are going to have a decent money, it will not come from government: it will be issued by private enterprise.”

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