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Ron Paul: “People try and drive wedges between Rand and me.”

South Carolina Congressional Candidate Mark Sanford
South Carolina Congressional Candidate Mark Sanford

Former Presidential candidate Ron Paul appeared on Geraldo‘s show to discuss his endorsement of Mark Sanford in South Carolina. Paul expressed that he believed that Sanford was obviously the best candidate despite his shortcomings.

Geraldo agreed and asked if Paul supporting Sanford was a tweak at Karl Rove and the establishment. Paul expressed that he has endorsed Sanford in the past, so he’d have to take back previous endorsements and he didn’t think that was the right thing to do. Paul says he is more concerned about getting good candidates that believe in his libertarian philosophy into office.

Geraldo addressed the controversy of Ron Paul’s recent think tank appointees who have been labeled as fringe by many in the mainstream media. The radio host wondered if those associations might harm a possible Rand Paul presidential run. Paul responds that he can’t stop trying to spread his message now that he has the freedom to do so and asked why people were trying to drive wedges between him despite the fact he and his son agree on “99% of the issues”.

The interview discussing politics and foreign policy in light of the Boston bombings is 5:20 below:

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