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Reaper Drone Crashes Into Lake Ontario (VIDEO)

 How Safe Are These Things? 

OSWEGO – A MQ-9 reaper drone crashed into Lake Ontario today and has sparked a debate about the safety issues regarding the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. The drone costs $14.4 million and was believed to have crashed due to inclement weather. There is a full squadron of these vehicles assigned to the 174th Attack Wing at Hancock Field. Pilots at this field remotely pilot the drones over Afghanistan. [contextly_sidebar id=”c5e5a2ce26c05f08b66ce5a98644b3b4″]

The drone in question launched from Fort Drum is the most accident prone in the Air Force. Per 100,000 hours of flying they have 9.31 accidents, compared to 3.03 for the full Air Force fleet.

Syracuse peace activist Ed Kinane is saying that the accident rate is a reason why drones should be banned from operating. He is joining local protestors opposed to the use of drones. “One of the notorious things about drones and Reapers is their high accident rate,” Kinane said. “A general concern is that because the military is so in love with drones and the Reaper, it appears they have rushed these things into production.” Kinane is traveling to Washington D.C. this week to join the 2013 drone summit that is occurring. 

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