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Rand Paul Recommends Prison Sentence for Hillary Clinton

Rand Paul Hillary

Additional shots were fired by Kentucky senator and former presidential candidate Rand Paul on Friday, when he responded to a reporter by recommending an indictment and a prison sentence for presumptive democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Here is the exchange:
AMTV Reporter:

Recently you launched a campaign to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for her crimes. How are you going to accomplish that?

Senator Rand Paul’s response:

We’re all for it. I think an indictment would be a good idea, followed by a prison sentence.

Dr. Paul has launched a campaign collecting signatures to send back to the US Department of Justice demanding Hillary Clinton be held accountable for the crimes outlined by FBI Director Comey before astonishingly recommending no charges be pursued in the case against her. This latest comment by the libertarian politician seems to indicate he is committed to realizing a greater degree of justice in the Clinton matter. You can view the short exchange in the video below:


When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. – Frederic Bastiat


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