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Rand Paul forces prepping for battle against Obama’s new Fed chair (VIDEO)

 The Next Phase In The War On The Fed

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is preparing to do battle with President Barack Obama over the next Federal Reserve chair appointee Janet Yellen.

The Paul campaign released a video in conjunction with the Campaign for Liberty stating that they would oppose the nomination of Yellen for chair of the Fed.

Senator Paul wrote a column in Time Magazine about why he fully intends to “grill” Yellen. Paul is a firm advocate for an audit of the U.S. money supply along with further transparency of the Federal Reserve’s business practices. Paul believes the Fed is fundamentally flawed, with their recent waves of quantitative easing having a “questionable” impact on our economy.

From Time:

“I would like to hope that Yellen might be able to bring some sobriety to the Fed, but her performance to date mostly suggests that we will see more of the same policies. I look forward to an in-depth discussion in debating her nomination, but my ultimate decision will rest on her potential effectiveness in reforming that historically irresponsible institution.

More of the same simply will not do. It cannot do. I encourage every member of Congress to join me in supporting a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve. It is time for more transparency in virtually every part of our government—and the Fed is the most logical place to start.”

Vice President of Policy for the non-profit Paul-affiliated Campaign for Liberty Norm Singleton wrote, “The Senate fight over Barack Obama‘s Fed chair nominee is just around the corner. And Senator Rand Paul has vowed to block the nomination until Harry Reid (D-NV) brings ‘Audit the Fed’ to the floor for a vote. This will be the fight of our lives — but this is our moment!”

Campaign For Liberty is the political organization that grew out of the two recent presidential campaigns of Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

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