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Online-Trading with Footballers? Yes, this is a thing now

Soccer field at night

Football-index Trading: what is it, really? It is quite a known fact, investors, corporations and bookmakers have all attempted to go overboard with unique content for their customers, in effort to build profits and gain as much following as possible. Regardless, not a single product has potentially shaken the roots of betting and investment more than Football index trading. Having debuted in market scenes about half a decade ago, it’s indeed impressive how the sport has managed to take the industry by storm. It’s not only gained a huge following since its foundation, it’s comfortably attained stability; determining projections protracting the brand’s value to triple further in forthcoming years, a clear indication of progress and value you should consider being part of. You can learn even more about this new kind of derivative instrument on Thepunterspage.

Getting to know the sport better

In case you are an enthusiast of Fantasy premier football, signing up for a Football index slot would be nothing short of an added incentive to your managerial skills. Just like in stock markets, trading online with footballers guarantees you rewarding profitable margins in due time. Unlike the former, football trading has more to offer than just the win… you receive real monetary proceeds in your account, mostly from the proceeds generated with sales and in-match events. The best thing about the bonuses is the prolonged duration you get to enjoy when boosting player development. With so much time at hand, earning shares becomes a recurrent opportunity.

Signing up for Football trading is one step toward realizing life-changing proceeds. All you need to do is make an initial deposit when joining, an action that opens a whole new arena of investment. This way, you get the freedom and opportunity to create a winning team of your own, by purchasing shares in different players available in the markets. It keeps getting better, doesn’t it? It doesn’t go unnoticed either that you have close to unlimited time-frames to manage and reevaluate investments before letting them off for sale. Similarly, you are accorded the benefit of investing funds in numerous players – there are over three thousand players to trade in.

You’ve heard of investments, right?

Which one outweighs the other, investment or the gambling franchise? The profoundness of football trading as an investment essentially precedes the gambling element in it. Its nature more or less resembles characteristics you would only highlight in valid stock markets. With a fluid market to work with, you are assured of total consistency in terms of sales, whenever the value of your acquired player builds up. The three-year window is recognizably the realest deal you could ever get, bookmakers can’t possibly hold on your staked bets for that long, will they? When time spans collapse, you are granted an option of reselling your players for a commission worth 2%, a seemingly affordable consideration for any investor who’s anticipated that long.

In case you still haven’t thought of considering to join the trading business, it’s vital you take the initiative to maximize winnings. You may be missing out on a great deal an offer, as the options beforehand gift you more than just a way to win, it’s a progressive investment opportunity you get from participating in a sport of your liking and expertise as well. Football scenes have witnessed incidences of remarkable progression with 95% of marketed players, a clear indication you won’t miss out on a potentially clean winning streak. The increasing number of joining users each day is set to uplift the sport to international pedestal, a move that will see to it users get more markets and events to invest in.

A thousand ways to win a catch

To earn a clear record in this sport, it’s essential that you diversify your investments in the applicable options provided. It is one sure way of harnessing your earnings to boost profits.

Trading your players

You can make profits by acquiring shares in players, then selling the same when there’s a notable rise in the price. The only cost you’ll dispense in the process is a commission of 2% for each unit share you’ll be selling. The higher the value of the player, the larger the profit margin.


The earnings you get are dependent on the player’s participation in competitions. The ones who perform remarkably earn you more dividends.

Earning dividends with the media

Sport magazines and websites often rank and rant about players, news related to transfers, as well as out of the pitch talk. A player who features more on such talks earns a higher market value.

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