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Obamacare Forcing Women Into More Expensive Healthcare With Fewer Options

“If you like your current plan, you can keep it.” -Obama

CBS News is reporting how thousands of people are having their policies terminated thanks to new regulations that force insurers to comply with Obamacare. One woman complained that her policy was going to be more expensive, with fewer services.

“Before I had a plan that I had a $1,500 deductible,” she said. “I paid $199 dollars a month. The most similar plan that I would have available to me would be $278 a month. My deductible would be $6,500 dollars, and all of my care after that point would only be covered 70 percent.”

In the segment below, CBS raises the fact that sick people will pay lower premiums while health people will pay higher premiums, which of course turns the entire healthcare insurance model on its head.

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