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Newly Elected Sheriff Accused of Stealing Meth Resigns


By Kody Fairfield

Last November, Matthew “Bo” Williams was elected Roane County Sheriff; a tenure that would not last very long, as controversy surrounding the accusation that he stole methamphetamine from a police evidence locker has forced him to resign.

According to WSAZ3, Williams now faces up to 10 years in prison.

The charges come after Williams took meth from evidence at the Spencer Police Department where he worked. The criminal complaint said more than $1,000 in evidence was involved. He originally was charged with grand larceny.

The Star Tribune reports that evidence of meth was found in Williams’ desk and police vehicle. It continued on to explain that several evidence bags found with Williams contained case numbers corresponding to missing evidence.

Roane County Prosecuting Attorney Josh Downey told The Tribune that Williams told him, and others, that he had been addicted to meth for over a year. Downey explained that Williams admitted to removing meth from an evidence locker and consuming it.

“It’s an example of what drugs like meth have done to our communities,” Downey said. “Some people have a picture of what a drug addict looks like. It shows that it can be anybody.”

The Tribune explained that Williams had been elected in November, but his watch did not start until January 1, 2017.

Two criminal cases Williams was a part of have been dismissed, and Roane County Prosecuting Attorney Josh Downey said more charges could be on the way.

Downey said Williams also agreed to give up his law enforcement credentials, said The Tribune.

Listen to Williams’ side of the story below.

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