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New Book Encourages Kids To Throw ‘Tantrums’ To Stop Global Warming


Michael Bastasch

An Australian author and noted climate scientist are asking for donations to publish a children’s book that “explains climate change to kids and empowers them to act” and is also carbon neutral, according to their KickStarter page.

The children’s book, “The Tantrum That Saved The World,” encourages kids to become global warming activists.

Author Megan Herbert and scientist Michael Mann want to publish a children’s book that tells a “story about a little girl who comes face to face with an enormous challenge, feels all kinds of frustration as she tries to overcome it, and then channels those strong emotions into action, rallying all those around her to do the same,” the authors wrote on KickStarter.

In a promotional video, Herbert said that while parents should ordinarily discourage kids from throwing tantrums, “these are not ordinary times.”

“This is the one time we should encourage our kids to make a bit of noise,” Herbert said. “They didn’t create this mess, and they have every right to be upset about it.” She added that those emotions should be channeled into “positive actions.”

Mann is a climatologist at Penn State University most known for his “hockey stick” graph of skyrocketing global temperature. Mann’s become an outspoken activist who’s become heavily involved in politics and is known for his personal attacks against his critics.

Herbert and Mann’s story would be followed by an “explanation of the science of climate change in language that children can understand, telling the stories of the climate refugees that appear in the story, and how all their lives are interconnected.”

Of course, no book on global warming would be complete without an “Action Plan” that “outlines simple and positive steps every person can take to make a real difference and to become the heroes of their own stories,” Herbert and Mann explain.

As of Friday, the KickStarter had 228 backers pledging $12,173 of a $23,695 goal. Herbert and Mann also said the production of their book would be offset with carbon dioxide credits.

“We’ve already written the text and created the artwork,” they wrote. “We have our book designer waiting in the wings. We’re in conversation with a carbon neutral printing house and are investigating the most carbon efficient methods to fulfil our deliveries to you.”

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