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Millennials: Voting Third Party is Your Right

Most millennials, like myself, dreamed about the first presidential race in which we could cast our ballot. Surpassing the age of 18 allowed us all to finally play a role in who we deem appropriate to lead our country. For many, November 8th is the day we have all waited for. So why aren’t millennials rejoicing? In a recent poll published by Qinnipiac University, the majority of millennials said they would consider voting for a third party candidate. Overwhelmingly, millennials stated their approval of including Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in the presidential debates. While the push for third party candidates indicates a want for diverse representation beyond the two-party system, many young voters are hearing the same message: a vote for third party is a wasted vote.

Let me be clear: you have the right to choose. Millennials must take this opportunity to voice what type of leadership we believe is best for our country. For some, that means Hillary. Others turn to Trump. Still more believe they have to chose between the lesser of two evils. We have been taught to believe that the two party system is the only way. That system has failed us this year. Democrats and Republicans do not want you to subscribe to the idea that you have a right to choose third party. They would much rather instill fear by saying “A vote for Gary is a vote for Trump” or “A vote for Gary is a vote for Hillary” etc. Your vote needs to reflect who you believe in. A vote for third party is just that…a vote for third party. Voting for a candidate you disagree with simply because they are running on a major party ticket sends the message that you would rather settle for a bad candidate instead of standing up and voting for change.

Do not feed into the flawed logic that voting for a third party candidate is dishonorable, or that it encourages the greater of two evils. George Washington warned against the type of division and tyranny that could stem from political parties, and this present day election is a perfect example of how tyrannical both parties have become. Vote your conscience this election, and remember you have a right to vote third party.

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