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Militarized Police Training Footage in Illinois Emerges

DeKalb, IL.  A new tax-funded training program to further militarize a local police force is underway and was captured on video yesterday (March 3rd, 2015).  In the following chilling footage, officers are in full military gear using condemned houses to practice a series of raids.

According to

“If you’re wondering how your tax payer dollars are being spent in DeKalb Illinois, wonder no further. Up to twenty-five officers were training in condemned houses today on Pearl street. Most of the officers were in tactical gear carrying battering rams, blast shields etc. What was once the sleepy town of DeKalb is no longer sleepy. In this video, you can clearly hear an officer caution me to move away from the training location because they were using live flash-bangs. The training was being conducted in a residential area, with occupied houses residing directly next door to the “training” houses. This is the police state.”

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