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Medics Cut Woman Free From Dangerously Skinny Jeans

By: Laura Meyers

Skinny jeans may seem like all fun and games until they cut off your circulation.

Or until your boyfriend starts wearing them. Yuck.

Recently a woman in Australia had to be cut out of her skinny jeans after suffering from compartment syndrome, a painful and potentially serious condition caused by bleeding or swelling within an enclosed bundle of muscles.

The woman had spent hours squatting in skinny jeans to empty cupboards while moving, and by the evening, her calves were so swollen and feet were so numb that she couldn’t walk.

She then tripped and fell, and unable to get up, she spent several hours lying on the ground before help arrived.

Doctors says that as the pressure had built-in her lower legs, her muscles and nerves became damaged.

After four days on an IV she was able to walk unaided.

Other medics have reported a number of cases where patients have developed tingly, numb thighs from wearing skinny jeans.

It’s always good when your country has an obesity problem at the same time it has a skinny jean fashion trend. Love me a good muffin top.

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