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Maryland Attorney General Caught At Drunken Teen House Party (VIDEO)

How Much Responsibility Do Adults Have To Curb Teenage Drinking?

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Attorney General Doug Gansler was caught participating in a house party where drunken teens were dancing while he took pictures. Gansler is the highest ranking law enforcer in Maryland. The case is stirring debate over just how far adults need to go to rein in underage drinking.

“My responsibility is only to my child,” Gansler said. “Everybody has their own moral compass. Mine is to raise my own child.” He later added, “Assume for purposes of discussion that there was widespread drinking at this party. How is that relevant to me? … The question is, do I have any moral authority over other people’s children at beach week in another state? I say no.”

Gansler was spotted taking photos of teens grinding at the house party

He changed his tone at a later press conference when he said, “I should’ve probably assumed there was drinking and talked to the chaperones about what was appropriate.”

Gansler is running for Governor in 2014.

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